Sunday, June 23, 2019

Celebrate Community

Celebrate family. Celebrate unity. Celebrate community. Yes, there are some that may not be close to family.Then celebrate where you are. Celebrate that you can read this. Celebrate the love that you experience from God. Get still and feel. Get still and know. Get still and marvel that you are so loved.  If you don’t know it, if you don’t see it - contact me. Together let’s find you and your place in his will for you. You are not alone. Celebrate community. enough for now.

Sunday, June 16, 2019


Sometimes we have to get quiet to hear. To reflect. To meditate. To be clear. To rest. Sometimes. I’veheard. I’ve reflected. I've meditated. I’m clear. I’ve rested. Now I invite you to do so. Watch what God is doing in your life. Don’t try to figure out someone else’s life- just yours. Just watch and be amazed. 

And to all the fathers- Happy Father’s Day! To the mothers who have had to be mothers and fathers- you are still mothers- blessings for your efforts. To those who have fathered but don't act like a father- you can start today, right now. Do a new thing- today. This is a chance to get it right. enough for now.