James 2:23 (NRSV)
“Thus the scripture was fulfilled that says, “Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned to him as righteousness,” and he was called the friend of God.”
Patti Belle has a song “You Are MyFriend.” I love the song, more than that I love knowing that God is my friend.
You see, have that same intimacy with God now as Abraham. My my, a friend of God. We sometimes miss that we are that close to him, that he hears and answers. We are special to him, we are his beloved. Let us not miss how he loves us, and how he lifts our cares as we commune with him. Too often we tell others about our struggles and never tell him. Yes he knows, but he wants us to have conversation with him.
Society will say it is about who you know. Yes, it is about who you know, and we know God and we are known by God. That is special. Let that rest in your spirit today. Walk in that knowledge. more later.