Happy Labor Day! How many of you need rest? How many of you have been laboring under one thing or another. Doing but getting nowhere, looking but not seeing, hearing, but not understanding? Is that anyone? I think so. It's called moving under your own power. And it really is a misnomer because you have no power. Think about it. Yes, we are given abilities to make things happen, yet when our things get in the way of God's plan for our lives and we get NOWHERE. Have you been there? Sure you have. We all have, and many of us are there now.
Wow, that is a lot to think about. So what can we do? How do we move ourselves out of the way? How do we move in the strength of the Lord? Hmmm. Well it's hard for us as we want to control everything. Yes we do, simultaneously, it can be simple. Can we start right here? Jesus beckons to us, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for am gentle and humbe in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light" (Matt. 11:28-30 NIV). You know how we are, yes, we want the rest, but we skip past the first part -"come to me." So, if you are weary and burdened, it really doesn't matter what, but that you are weary. That you are tired . . . of the job, the lack of job, the man, the lack of man, the lack of understanding from others, the lonileness of your condition, the crying, the worry, the fear, the helping, the hurting, the pain, the lack of clarity, lack direction . . . . Whatever you are tired of- Come.
No, don't try to lay it down right now- that has been part of the problem, you have been trying it under your control. Just "come." Jesus beckons you to the altar wherever you are. Can you see it? It is not me who stands there - but Jesus. Not any preacher you know- but Jesus. This is your altar call. Don't do anything else. Don't look around to see what others are doing. Don't think that you can't come because of your title or position. Come - If when you arise to come -your burden tugs at you, drag it on. Don't let anything, anyone stop you from coming. It is Jesus who beckons you. Come. That's all
Come expecting to meet Jesus. Come expecting a miracle. Come expecting a manifestation of His grace, His provision, His healing, His love, come. Just do that - Don't think about anything else this week, but coming. Today, this week - Come to Jesus. That's all - Just do that. There is something powerful in the coming, something that says "I can't do this without you Lord." Come. Journal what happens in the "coming." Let me know.
Type to you later.
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