When I was young my mother would save her nice bed gowns in case she had to go to the hospital. And the time that she did go, she had to wear the dreaded hospital gown. So she wore her gowns after that.
I learned to wear my stuff. But just this week I learned to move on in more things. I released old makeup, am working to release an old computer, to move on. That is funny, because I can move on in some things, but learning am learning to move on in other things.
What does it mean? If you are following Holy Spirit's guidance you have to be ready to move on. Holy Spirit is dynamic, not static. He is our Paraclete, to walk along side. And even if we are not sure - if we stop to listen- then we can follow. We can move on, we can walk away, we can get past, we can breathe! You see, we try to hold on, too many times, to what God wants us to release. Listen, and then follow what Holy Spirit is saying. Let it go! Move on from your craziness. Move on. type to you later.
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