Sunday, April 8, 2018


It has been a revealing week. I listened to a few of my clients and they recognized new strengths. I listened to friends and they had experienced new hurts. I watched family grow out of stuf an into newness. I listened to others and recognized where their particular hurts were. And though disappointments I recognized more of my strengths and my weaknesses. Oh its been a revealing week. 

Through it all, I learned to handle disappointments differently than I once did. That’s growth. I think if we were to get still, and listen as Holy Spirit reveals, then we can grow past pettiness, past frivolous - meaningless mess. You see, sometimes the mess is there only to distract us from the good that awaits. What what is revealed, what is uncovered; and then check with Holy Spirit what do with it. Take time this week. Be still, and hear what Holy Spirit is saying. enough for now.

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