Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Shift your Focus

Okay - no post-holiday blues.  You see, there is so much more than the traditional
getting ready for Christmas. If you had prepared in your heart for the joy of the season then you are still in awe - still celebrating the birth of the Divine child.

There has been so much happening in my life that I can do nothing but rejoice at how God loves me.  Does it mean that it all has been smooth?  Oh no, but God has smoothed out the rough places in a way that with Holy Spirit's guidance I can maneuver any rough place.  Now here is the crazy part- It has not been because I have it all together, it has been because I shifted my focus.  In shifting your focus from whatever ails you to the one that has all in control it allows you to live free.

In shifting your focus from the hustle and bustle of preparing for Christmas to adoration of the One that heralds the season there is no post-holiday blues.  Let it go now,  shift your focus to watch what God is doing- and enjoy your life.  type to you later.

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