I had to rest from Christmas. I watched too many Christmas movies which had nothing to do with Jesus. I found a show on Bible battles and found joy in that. That's crazy. I finally came to a new conclusion when I over heard a conversation on Christmas day. It was in response to "how is your Christmas?" The response, "oh we haven't opened gifts yet."
So how was my Christmas? I was with family, though not all of my family. Being with family is so important to me. My 'family' celebration was Thanksgiving with my son, his family, and extended family.
Now, back to the issue. The presents have overpowered the celebration of The Presence. People are exhausted from finding just one more gift. People are broke from spending too much money. People are perturbed about not getting what they wanted. People are working so they can live and they don't have time to spend with family. People are CONFUSED. I could go on, but you get the message.
The Presence- not presents. Commercialism has done a job on all of us. Please hear me. I am not saying the giving is not necessary. Since God gave His best to us, can't we give back to Him through
loving one another, caring for one another? I'm sure you can find a way. You have a year, start now.
(Oh crazy, even as I write the news is reporting that Hollywood is going to produce more biblical films. Yay! I think.)
I invite you to join me on a quest, a new leg of the journey, for what is important. Family is so important, loving them through loving Jesus is so much better. Loving and listening to Holy Spirit's guide is monumental! No, don't make a resolution, just start. Strengthen your life, your health, your walk. Watch what God is doing in your life. Blessings of recognizing and celebrating The Presence!
enough for now.
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