Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Happy Father's Day

I waited to say, "Happy Father's Day."  Too often fathers do not hear that, and all too often, after that day nothing else is said.  Blessings of encouragement to the fathers and the mothers who were and are both mother and father. To those who labor and never hear, "thanks" or "I Love you."  You are indeed beloved by God.  Sometimes young people do not get what it takes to be a father and so they rebel.  Sometimes they don't know how to say, "I'm sorry," and they wallow in despair and/or guilt. 

The Prodigal Son in Luke 15 squandered his father's wealth, but not his father's love.  Sometimes we squander our Father's wealth, but never His love.  We can take note from that passage and turn back.  Children can take note from that passage and turn back.  They can't take note unless we teach them.  Fathers teach the children.  Fathers, teach the children. enough for now.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

And then Rain

There was a great downpour as I left home.  And then it stopped. And then it started and then I drove out of it. Now there is a calm- no rain. Yes, a threat of rain,but no rain presently.  My umbrella is resting from keeping me dry.

There will times in your life that the downpour of trouble, pain, and heartache will flow.  And then it will stop. Or you will grow out of it. Even in the times of great downpours remember, they do not last always.  And even with the threat of downpour your umbrella will keep you dry.  

Can I go on? Holy Spirit will guide you though the storms - oh you know that.  Then apply it.  Why do you get so caught up with what may happen?  It may not happen the way you think.  No, it never happens the way you think.  With the Word implanted  in your heart and Holy Spirit guiding you are indeed covered.  

Funny thing about rain - it is needed and usually washes away stuff.  Your downpours may be ways of washing away your stupid stuff.  Don't know, but I do know who does know.  Please don't waste another minute of "what if"? Not if you accept Divine guidance.  Go ahead, try it. enough for now.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

All Things

How many times do I hear that I am not as young as I was?  I realize that I am not; however, God is.  And as long as God is still in control- then I am- and can indeed do all things through Him that strengthens me.

Blessings of peace as you move in realization of the awesome power of God. enough for now.