Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Joy- Joy

Joy, joy, unspeakable joy. Wow. I need that Joy. I have found that it only comes from the shalom - the peace of God. That peace sets it all up for hearing, receiving, and resting is what God has for us. Yes, it is real. Oh yeah. It soothes, calms, restores, rejuvenates. This is an awesome time to get that joy. You don't have to wait until the new year. You change is now. Receive that. How? Glad you asked. Shift your focus from your stuff to the stuff of God. Don't you like how I brought that Philippians 4:8,9 in there?

You see, God has already set it out for you to be restored, to live fully, to rest whole in His will for your life. Don't let another day go by. Yeah, you were stuck in stupid stuff, but your un-stuckness (don't you like that?) - your un-stuckness was always there. 

Today, instead of focusing on your 'woe is me' focus on "How great Thou art'. Instead of 'what will I do?' focus on 'What God has done'. You see, sometimes we need to remember what God has already done in order to realize what He is presently doing and to hope in what He said He will do. 

Joy, breathe out fear, breathe in peace. Breathe out hurt, breathe in peace. Breathe out guilt, breaths in forgiveness. Yes, forgive yourself. Go ahead, joy, joy, unspeakable joy. enough for now.

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