“Now the gates of Jericho were securely barred because of the Israelites. No one went out and no one came in.
Then the Lord said to Joshua, “See, I have delivered Jericho into your hands, along with its king and its fighting men” (Joshua 6:1&2)
Jericho was a well fortified against the Israelites. They had heard of Israel’s God and knew his power. Yet, God told Joshua Jericho was theirs.
Now here is the crazy part. They did not battle as tradition. Yes, they circled the city, but that was all. There was no siege ramp placed, no battering ram. You know that had to freak out those inside the wall. And probably those marching. That’s not the way they battle. But they were not battling, they were warring. All they had to do was follow God’s instructions.
Look at it. Our Jericho is that stronghold that sets itself against us and defies us to fight. Many times we have been so distracted by it that we think we can’t win. But God. He has given Jericho to us. We war by following God’s instructions. We don’t win our war by fighting like others, no. Our strategy to follow God.
He has already given us the victory. You know, we don’t fight for the victory but we fight from the victory already won by Jesus. Remember that! enough for now.
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