Sunday, October 10, 2021

We Are Not the Same

Luke 9:49-50 (NRSV)
“John answered, “Master, we saw someone casting out demons in your name, and we tried to stop him, because he does not follow with us.” But Jesus said to him, “Do not stop him; for whoever is not against you is for you.”

I think we need to recognize this more, both in the church and out. We are all on a journey. Just because I do not pray the same way you pray, or act the same way you act- as long as I am praying to the same God . . . Do you see it? We are all different but as long as we are on the same journey we can’t think another is not just because they don’t act like us. 

Even in school, in life we really need to be more mindful that not everyone does things like we do, if the same goal is in mind then that’s a good thing. My pastor used to say we will be surprised when we get to heaven who is there.😎 We can’t fight one another, then the enemy wins while we are distracted. We are not the same, but we have the same cause.enough for now.

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