It is all coming down down to this. Christmas Eve. What are you doing? Are you running tired from the hussle of the shoppers? Are you fretting tomorrow because you couldn't get what you wanted for someone - or that you won't get what you want from soneone? Are you cooked out?Shopped out? Traffic blocked out? Wow. Are you lonely? sad? upset? hurt? mad? What state of mind are you in today? Did you have to work and now are trying to get gifts wrapped? Are you trying to find one more gift so you can upstage someone else? So many reasons for giving gifts. So many ways to miss this season.
As believers we get so distracted so quickly. We don't take time to consider the birth of Christ. Oh we may slide in Luke 2 but to think about that event of the birth of Christ and to sit in wonder of what Jesus' birth, life, death and resurrection means to us individually is really something to contemplate.
I would think that we could work to help bless another because of the blessing we have received. We could contemplate this if we placed a higher priority on the real meaning if this season. Stop what you are doing and allow yourself a time of bliss in this season. Let the words "Merry Christmas" take on a new meaning of life and joy. That is what I wish for you -life and joy. Mery Christmas! type to you later.
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