Thursday, March 29, 2012


You know, there comes a time in your life when not one more explanation is needed.  If Holy Spirit does not fix it- it doesn't matter.  We don't set our sights high enough.  Reach within, reach out to others, reach up to God.  And watch what God does. type to you later.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Too Much Clutter

We have too much clutter.  Not only materially, but emotionally.  I think we take so much outside information in that we get caught up in a whirlwind of wonders, thoughts, viewpoints.  And we find ourselves hopping from one idea to the next and wondering which way? what to do?  We get so caught up that we can lose self, our own ideas, our own thoughts.  Then we could lose ourselves- or so we believe.

Hold on- back up. Yes, there are times that our ideas, our beliefs may be somewhat convoluted by our background, our childhood, our family.  And what we believed to be truth for so long was actually truth twisted away.  So when we realize truth revealed, it may seem a betrayal to what we once believed.  That is dilemma that so many face.

But when you realize truth you can stand on truth.  How do you start?  "Glad you asked" (Thanks Doc).  By watching what God is doing in your life.  Listen to Holy Spirit's guidance.  Feel Jesus' love for you.  Check in- ask for truth to be revealed.  It really is easier than you believe.  You see, at that point you can feel the whirlwind of outside influence fade away.  And that takes worry away from you.  Now you have more time to enjoy the life that God has given.  Get rid of the clutter and enjoy the living of your life.  Try it.  type to you later.

Monday, March 26, 2012


Shhh!  Get still.  Breathe easily.  That's right, slowly and calmly.  Can you feel it?  Okay, now listen, watch.  Be still and know that He is God.   Listen for His voice, watch His moves.  When you can get still, when you can listen and hear, when you can watch and see; then you will know the shalom of God.  Talk about a rest, a release- oh my goodness!  Try it - right now.  You can go back to your work in a few minutes. 

Can you measure the emotional well-being from a few minutes of peace?  Be still. I bless you with feeling the shalom of God.  type to you later.

Monday, March 19, 2012

On the Real Tip

A very real tip: Be still.  Practice getting quiet.  Look up,  Do some cloud watching.  Get outside at night, do some star watching. Watch for nests as the baby birds begin their flights.  Look around.  Marvel at the flower buds as the ground releases the new life.  Smile at the babies in their carriages, or on the arms of parents.  Close your eyes and be thankful for all you have witnessed.  Shake off the confusion, distractions in your life that cause you to miss the marvel of the life that God has given you.

Be still.  In that stillness know the love of God, hear Holy Spirit's guide, follow the examples of Jesus.  You can release so much baggage, by getting still.  You can learn more about who you are because of whose you are.  It is a very real tip.
"Be still, and know that I am God" (Ps. 46:10).  type to you later.

Sunday, March 18, 2012


Do you know how hard it is to trust God? Hmmm. Not as hard as you think. Quite often, unfortunately, you have learned 'trust' through trusting people.  And we (people) are such a contrary mess, and to say we are human is no excuse.  But I offer a more reliable, more sincere, safer source to trust.  I offer the peace that comes from hearing your direction.  I can offer it, after all, it has already been offered to you through the shed blood of Jesus. 

I prayed with a woman that had been so disrupted by a spirit of guilt that she was afraid to let God near.  This is a believer who thought that God had turned His back on her, because of her mistake.  She knew what the scripture says, but she couldn't trust it for herself. Can you see how easy we get distracted by guilt?  She had trusted people that confessed to be 'experts' in their field.  Their lie almost destroyed her.  Almost- but God.  There is something that gives us release when we trust God.  Okay, sorry, I was just thinking.  If we could get that step- to trust God.  So how can start?  Get direction.

And your direction?  Well, Jesus has blessed us with Holy Spirit to guide us. Try. . . go ahead - this may be a new step toward trusting, toward hearing, toward learning just how much you are loved. type to you later.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Hold That Thought

We must be careful what we what we say . . . how we react . . . no, how we think.  But isn't that scripture?  "For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does.  The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world.  On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ" (2 Cor. 10:3-5 NIV).  We can change our action, our reaction, by taking every thought captive.  Take it slow.  Dedicate your thought.  Watch what happens. type to you later.

Friday, March 9, 2012

A Precious Commodity

When we understand how precious, how short life is, the better we will celebrate it. A significant amount of that understanding is being clear of our purpose as God has designed.
Hmm. Puts it into a different perspective, doesn't it? type to you later.

Friday, March 2, 2012


Hold me while I catch my breath. I don't want to say anything about a radio host who is a complete pig.  Okay that's enough.  Life will deal with him. 
There are so many distractions and we must learn to navigate around them.  Can you see it?  We can be so distracted by the woundedness in others that we miss our healing.  We can be so distracted by our own woundedness that we miss our healing. How can we stay eliminate our being distracted?  Focus-Watch, wait, listen.  And it is all about the object of our focus.
Let me share, some of you may have heard this before:
On my first trip to Israel as we were hiking to the cave at En Gedi I watched an awesome scene. We had stopped for our instructor to give us Biblical history on where we were.  The mountain was so steep as we looked out and above where we were.  There above where we were was a mother mountain deer and her baby.  The mother carefully tested each rock before taking the next step.  As she stepped to the new location she looked back at the baby and the baby stepped directly on the rock the mother had just vacated.  I watch for a while as I listened to our instructor.  Every step the mother tested and then the baby followed.  There were times that the rock was not stable and rolled down the mountainside.  (Sudden death) 
The remarkable thing about it was the mother was zigzagging around the mountainside, not straight up (as we would believe).  The passage came to mind as tears rolled, "The sovereign Lord is my strength; He makes my feet like the feet like the feet of a deer, He enables me to go on the heights" (Hab. 3:19 NIV). 
It didn't stop there.  Two weeks after I was home, I got the message.  Holy Spirit guides us through the dangers in our lives taking us up and then down but all the while guiding.  All we have to do is watch and follow.  My, my.  I bless you with watching, knowing your path is already tested, already tried, whether happy or sad; that Holy Spirit as our Paraclete is indeed walking alongside.

The Object of our focus? Holy Spirit as our counselor. type to you  later.