As I participated in the memorial service of a friend I had so many realizations. One- those who thought they knew her did not know her. They didn't know who she was connected to and how. They didn't know the gifts she had and they missed benefiting from those gifts because they did not give her a chance. She had so much to offer and tried as she could. It hurt her many times because she wanted to give, to share. Not to have a name, but to share. My, my. And so they missed a grand opportunity.
I say that because I know what that feels like. Long ago I came to the realization that I would do what I could as Holy Spirit guided. It has kept me more in my right mind because they don't know who I am. They don't know what I can do. They don't know who guides my actions. And in those actions I can be sane because I will not let them dictate my life.
Who is "they"? Hmmm. Ask yourself - is it I? It could be you, with your saved, sanctified self. Yes, it is a hard realization. But you don't know what someone has to offer unless you give them a chance. And yes, we all have been "they." This is a great time to repent from that selfish, self-centered, think you're gonna lose what you have self.
How can you start? Know who you are, who God created you to be and walk in that. Don't worry about another or what you think they will take from you. Come on, if it is yours - you got it. There is so much kingdom work being left undone and we all will have to answer to what we did not do. You are the Beloved of God. Let that penetrate your mind, your heart. You have no worries- I'm telling the truth. No one can separate you from that love. No one can take what is given to you. And you can't it from anyone. Whew! Deal with that. Stay in your lane! Journey along your path, and when you meet souls that don't look like, think like, act like you, check it out with Holy Spirit. It may be something you are to learn in that season. It may be something you are to share in that season. And then take a chance, not on the person, but on what Holy Spirit says. You don't know where your blessings are. They may be coming through the person next to you. Enjoy your life! type to you later.
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