Thursday, February 8, 2018

Holy Spirit Manageability

As I was walking up my mountain this morning I was moving as well as the day before. Now I had heard that on this walk it never gets easier, but you keep on going. I go for the achievement, for health benefits, for the comradely, because- in the long run- it feels good. Not sure why others do it.but this is my walk. Today I saw it in a different light. 

Art imitates life- this journey of life does not get easier - it becomes manageable. Some days are better than others; but in the end- it’s about what you get- the achievement, the love, the comradery, the growth. Oh my goodness, the lessons learned. They are for you, the experiences are yours. This is your journey. Take everyday as a new blessing from God. Each day really is manageable through whatever life offers. It is manageable with Holy Spirit guiding. Have no regrets, no fears. No regrets about yesterday, no fear for tomorrow. Live right now in the present with the Presence. Right now is a present to you- a gift from God. Open it expectingly and with gratitude. It’s yours. You will make it, you can enjoy your life. With Holy Spirit guiding you have Holy Spirit manageability and ‘all is well.’ See what this day brings. enough for now.

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