I had to throw out some flowers today. Although a few had withered, most lasted well. I had made the decision to keep them because they still had a beautiful aroma. I kept them beyond their date because tey still had an aroma. When I threw them out the water bound ends had a terrible smell. I had forgotten to cut them back and they had rotted in the water.
How many things have you kept because . . .? You know, it had a special meaning, but now it only collects dust. What once worked you continue in the same way, although what once worked does not work anymore. He/she still looked good, although he/she keeps hell going?
If I had at least trimmed the ends the flowers would have lasted laonger. In the same way, if you had taken pains to work whatever it was. Oh well, Consider very carefully your 'why' for holding on. If there is no reason, let it go. Get ready for what is in front of you. type to you later.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Whose Voice?
When I was young and seriously considering doing something off track from my upbringing, I would stop and consider my parents. No, not so much as how it would affect them (that would come later), but the scope of my punishment. As I grew, and when I could, when trouble tempted me I would think about what I was taught and then go from there. You see, I was raised to know right from wrong; yet, there have times when what is right for me appears to be wrong for everyone else. Oh you know what I’m talking about. Although both parents have been gone so many years, I still know what they would say and how they would say it. It’s called relationship. I know because of the relationship.
Yesterday, I had a mentee to ask me, “How do know when it is the voice of God?” I have been asked that question many times over the years, by young and older, babes in the belief and from those considering ministry. And it is a valid question because there are usually three voices waiting to guide you; the enemy, your voice, Holy Spirit. Two of them do not count. Can you guess which two? You must eliminate the voice of the enemy and quiet your voice in order to hear Holy Spirit. How do you do that? As Doc used to say, “Glad you asked.”
It’s called relationship. In order to know that it is indeed the voice of God directing you – you must be in relationship with God. You can do that through so many types of prayer; through reading the word; through fellowship with other believers; through testing what you hear against what you know to be true of the characteristics of God. And even then – if you are not sure – wait until you are. Your relationship with God though loving and accepting Jesus and following Holy Spirit will guide you on this journey. And when you hear that voice – you will know. type to you later.
Yesterday, I had a mentee to ask me, “How do know when it is the voice of God?” I have been asked that question many times over the years, by young and older, babes in the belief and from those considering ministry. And it is a valid question because there are usually three voices waiting to guide you; the enemy, your voice, Holy Spirit. Two of them do not count. Can you guess which two? You must eliminate the voice of the enemy and quiet your voice in order to hear Holy Spirit. How do you do that? As Doc used to say, “Glad you asked.”
It’s called relationship. In order to know that it is indeed the voice of God directing you – you must be in relationship with God. You can do that through so many types of prayer; through reading the word; through fellowship with other believers; through testing what you hear against what you know to be true of the characteristics of God. And even then – if you are not sure – wait until you are. Your relationship with God though loving and accepting Jesus and following Holy Spirit will guide you on this journey. And when you hear that voice – you will know. type to you later.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Leave It There
Ohhhh. . . What needless pain we bear – all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer.
Take . . . your burdens to the Lord and leave them there.
What . . . a friend we have in Jesus. All . . . our sins and griefs to bear.
I grew up with those songs. I sang them when I grew older. But there is a major difference between head knowledge and heart assurance. You see, it is a simple thing but a difficult thing. Oh yeah – try it. Try leaving your burden with the Lord. I dare you. If you do –I promise- you will be able to breathe. Oh yes you will.
Let’s back it up – try Jesus. Meet Him in prayer. Run to Him. I don’t care what it is – He can replace your pain with His peace. It is a simple thing but a difficult one because you think you can fix it. You can’t. Try Him today. Holla. He will holla back. Let go of your stuff and watch what He will do with it. type to you later.
Take . . . your burdens to the Lord and leave them there.
What . . . a friend we have in Jesus. All . . . our sins and griefs to bear.
I grew up with those songs. I sang them when I grew older. But there is a major difference between head knowledge and heart assurance. You see, it is a simple thing but a difficult thing. Oh yeah – try it. Try leaving your burden with the Lord. I dare you. If you do –I promise- you will be able to breathe. Oh yes you will.
Let’s back it up – try Jesus. Meet Him in prayer. Run to Him. I don’t care what it is – He can replace your pain with His peace. It is a simple thing but a difficult one because you think you can fix it. You can’t. Try Him today. Holla. He will holla back. Let go of your stuff and watch what He will do with it. type to you later.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
As the Deer
"As the deer pants for the streams of water, so my soul pants for you God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God" (Ps.42:1 NIV).
Thirsts for God, hungers after God. We are good at feeding our bodies when we hunger or quenching our thirsts. That is a no brainer. How do we feed our spirit? You see, there is only one thing that our spirit hungers for- God and the relationship.
If you don't feel any hunger for God it could be that you are so full of other stuff. You know, the stuff that has led you further away from the relationship. You see, for some reason we tend to place so much between us and God that there is no space to fill. Allow this season to be your time of emptying the junk in order to hunger and thirst after the One that truly deserves our attention. type to you later.
Thirsts for God, hungers after God. We are good at feeding our bodies when we hunger or quenching our thirsts. That is a no brainer. How do we feed our spirit? You see, there is only one thing that our spirit hungers for- God and the relationship.
If you don't feel any hunger for God it could be that you are so full of other stuff. You know, the stuff that has led you further away from the relationship. You see, for some reason we tend to place so much between us and God that there is no space to fill. Allow this season to be your time of emptying the junk in order to hunger and thirst after the One that truly deserves our attention. type to you later.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Acting "entitled" has become somewhat of turnoff for many people. It is an act of arrogance and not well appreciated. That is not only my opinion, but the opinion of many. Today, I had to look at it a different way.
As believers, we are indeed "entitled" to live a life "touched" by God. We are made in God's image and we are loved by God. If we indeed believe that, then we can walk with the knowledge that we are entitled to become all that God has for us, while following God's will for us. So, we do not need to "act" entitled but live entitled. It is a different view. I bless you today with living entitled by God. type to you later.
As believers, we are indeed "entitled" to live a life "touched" by God. We are made in God's image and we are loved by God. If we indeed believe that, then we can walk with the knowledge that we are entitled to become all that God has for us, while following God's will for us. So, we do not need to "act" entitled but live entitled. It is a different view. I bless you today with living entitled by God. type to you later.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Self can Cause You Trouble
Have you considered the consequences to what you do? No, not what you can get, but what you may lose, or who you may lose. Everything you do brings its own set of consequences. Now let me back into this. You see, too often we find ourselves working hard to please self. Oh we say it may be for someone or for something but in reality- it is for self. And in the midst of this, if we are true to self, it is not about the Divine One.
What does it mean? If we we created in God's image and to bring honor to God, then we must ask self each day, "Who is honored?" We are moving into the Lenten season. Many give up something for the season and then pick it back up at the end. But if we were true to the season we would give up something that we really don't need and leave it gone. We would sacrifice and gain from the sacrifce. Actually, it may be something that we try -that we put on and keep. It's your call. This season prepare to sacrifice "self" in what ever you give up. And then watch what God does with that sacrifice. type to you later.
What does it mean? If we we created in God's image and to bring honor to God, then we must ask self each day, "Who is honored?" We are moving into the Lenten season. Many give up something for the season and then pick it back up at the end. But if we were true to the season we would give up something that we really don't need and leave it gone. We would sacrifice and gain from the sacrifce. Actually, it may be something that we try -that we put on and keep. It's your call. This season prepare to sacrifice "self" in what ever you give up. And then watch what God does with that sacrifice. type to you later.
Friday, February 12, 2010
You have to Know
This morning, my neice's dog, Samson, was barking and my sister tried to stop him. "No Samson!" "No!" "No Samson!" "No!" Did he stop? No. As he continued barking my neice came down the stairs. "Ohhhh you're in trouble," my sister teased Samson. My neice went straight to Samson's fence and said in a low voice,"no." Immediately Samson stopped barking annd has not barked anymore this day. My sister mocked him, closing her fingers and thumb - quiet.
It was precious, and I saw it then. "You have to have to know where the "no" comes from." What does it mean to us? Oh, come on. Too often we allow others to direct us withn their "yea" or "nay." But if we are clear whose we are, then we will not concern ourselves with others' 'yea" or "nay." Take your instructions from the only one who can truly guide, and be clear who closes the door. You must know who the "no" comes from. type to you later.
It was precious, and I saw it then. "You have to have to know where the "no" comes from." What does it mean to us? Oh, come on. Too often we allow others to direct us withn their "yea" or "nay." But if we are clear whose we are, then we will not concern ourselves with others' 'yea" or "nay." Take your instructions from the only one who can truly guide, and be clear who closes the door. You must know who the "no" comes from. type to you later.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Plan it and Work it
How many times have you planned your day and someone or something changes it? Oh it could be because you were not serious about your plan; or it could be that you have let others control your life; or it could be that the plan needed to be changed. Whatever the many reasons, you have to ask yourself why you can’t move forward with your life. Could it be that you are doing what others think you should be doing? Let’s go there.
There is always someone to tell you how you should live or what you should be doing. The irony in that is those who would help guide you will not take any direction from you. There is no way they can effectively guide you, as they only see from their perspective. I used to try to explain what I saw or why I did what I did, I stopped. Since they did not have my perspective, they could not see what I saw, or feel what I felt.
If you let others alter your life from their point of view; how much more do you allow them to take you so far away from what God has designed for you? Yes, it is difficult to live following God if you allow others to take a great place in your life. The crazy part is that you will never get anywhere when you allow others control.
Life is a wonder! Enjoy it, both the ups and the downs. Watch how God pulls joy out of despair and peace in turmoil. There is not one person that can do that. Yes, for those in the snow, it may change how you get through the day, but not that you get through the day. For those who are encountering storms, physical or otherwise, gear up and continue. Don’t give up. For those who are wrestling control issues remain strong and say “no.” There is so much for you – in your life. type to you later.
There is always someone to tell you how you should live or what you should be doing. The irony in that is those who would help guide you will not take any direction from you. There is no way they can effectively guide you, as they only see from their perspective. I used to try to explain what I saw or why I did what I did, I stopped. Since they did not have my perspective, they could not see what I saw, or feel what I felt.
If you let others alter your life from their point of view; how much more do you allow them to take you so far away from what God has designed for you? Yes, it is difficult to live following God if you allow others to take a great place in your life. The crazy part is that you will never get anywhere when you allow others control.
Life is a wonder! Enjoy it, both the ups and the downs. Watch how God pulls joy out of despair and peace in turmoil. There is not one person that can do that. Yes, for those in the snow, it may change how you get through the day, but not that you get through the day. For those who are encountering storms, physical or otherwise, gear up and continue. Don’t give up. For those who are wrestling control issues remain strong and say “no.” There is so much for you – in your life. type to you later.
Monday, February 8, 2010
A Process
A friend sent this to me. She sent it a while ago and again today. It just says so much. So, if you have heard it before, then hear it again and know that you have never been alone.
Malachi 3:3 says: 'He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver.'
This verse puzzled some people in a Bible study and they wondered what this statement meant about the character and nature of God. One of the women offered to find out the process of refining silver and get back to the group at their next Bible Study.
That week, the woman called a silversmith and made an appointment to watch him at work. She didn't mention anything about the reason for her interest beyond her curiosity about the process of refining Silver.
As she watched the silversmith, he held a piece of silver over the fire and let it heat up. He explained that in refining silver, one needed to hold the silver in the middle of the fire where the flames were hottest to burn away all the impurities.
The woman thought about God holding us in such a hot spot; then she thought again about the verse that says: 'He sits as a refiner and purifier of silver.' She asked the siversmith if it was true that he had to sit there in front of the fire the whole time.
The man answered yes, he not only had to sit there holding the silver, but he had to keep his eyes on the silver the entire time it was in the fire. If the silver was left a moment too long in the flames, it would be destroyed.
The woman was silent for a moment. Then she asked the silversmith, 'How do you know when the silver is fully refined?'
He smiled at her and answered, '! Oh, that's easy -- when I see my image in it.'
Blessing in your "refining moment." type to you later.
Malachi 3:3 says: 'He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver.'
This verse puzzled some people in a Bible study and they wondered what this statement meant about the character and nature of God. One of the women offered to find out the process of refining silver and get back to the group at their next Bible Study.
That week, the woman called a silversmith and made an appointment to watch him at work. She didn't mention anything about the reason for her interest beyond her curiosity about the process of refining Silver.
As she watched the silversmith, he held a piece of silver over the fire and let it heat up. He explained that in refining silver, one needed to hold the silver in the middle of the fire where the flames were hottest to burn away all the impurities.
The woman thought about God holding us in such a hot spot; then she thought again about the verse that says: 'He sits as a refiner and purifier of silver.' She asked the siversmith if it was true that he had to sit there in front of the fire the whole time.
The man answered yes, he not only had to sit there holding the silver, but he had to keep his eyes on the silver the entire time it was in the fire. If the silver was left a moment too long in the flames, it would be destroyed.
The woman was silent for a moment. Then she asked the silversmith, 'How do you know when the silver is fully refined?'
He smiled at her and answered, '! Oh, that's easy -- when I see my image in it.'
Blessing in your "refining moment." type to you later.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
People are digging out of the snow. Life is appearing. The sun is glistening bright and it is all beautiful. I would say, for some, the snow stopped us in our tracks in order to look up, look out, look around, and celebrate life.
Whatever you are doing today celebrate life. You have been promised this day. Enjoy it, love it! I'm going out. type to you later!
Whatever you are doing today celebrate life. You have been promised this day. Enjoy it, love it! I'm going out. type to you later!
Friday, February 5, 2010
Use a Different Lens
In the DC area people are scurrying getting ready for the big snow. Of course, while I was in Detroit, big snows were never a problem.
Long ago we had a snowfall of 14 inches in Knoxville, TN. Of course it shut everything down. The snow covered all the hills as far as I could see. Nothing was moving on the main road in front of the hill of the luxury complex where I lived. I was an essential employee at the telephone company and was needed at work. I was told if I could get to the main road someone would get me. So I dressed up warmly and started off down the hill determined to walk the two miles to the main thoroughfare.
When I got outside the complex and off the hill (about a fourth of a mile) there on the main road was a thinly worn set of tracks where a few brave had made it through. As I walked, one of the guys from my job pulled up and called my name. I didn’t have to walk the rest of the way to the main thoroughfare.
When we got to the main thoroughfare two of the four lanes were salted and clear. Only a few more switchmen made it in. We heard quite a few excuses of nothing moving.
That day has been with me because it was all in my point of view. Did you see it? After all, this is for you. When I looked out and saw absolutely nothing but snow as far as I could see, and no one moving, it was true. That is all I could see. I couldn’t see the tracks of cars just below my view. I didn’t know that help was closer than I thought. And when I got to the cleared road, people were going about their business. All was just beyond my view.
So many times we get blocked by what we see – our circumstances, our problems, our situations. But when we can determine in our heart to move out of that, just move, head toward the door, God. God gives us a different lens with which to see. And just like that we are on the way. You don’t know where your help will come from, but start out on the journey. type to you later.
Long ago we had a snowfall of 14 inches in Knoxville, TN. Of course it shut everything down. The snow covered all the hills as far as I could see. Nothing was moving on the main road in front of the hill of the luxury complex where I lived. I was an essential employee at the telephone company and was needed at work. I was told if I could get to the main road someone would get me. So I dressed up warmly and started off down the hill determined to walk the two miles to the main thoroughfare.
When I got outside the complex and off the hill (about a fourth of a mile) there on the main road was a thinly worn set of tracks where a few brave had made it through. As I walked, one of the guys from my job pulled up and called my name. I didn’t have to walk the rest of the way to the main thoroughfare.
When we got to the main thoroughfare two of the four lanes were salted and clear. Only a few more switchmen made it in. We heard quite a few excuses of nothing moving.
That day has been with me because it was all in my point of view. Did you see it? After all, this is for you. When I looked out and saw absolutely nothing but snow as far as I could see, and no one moving, it was true. That is all I could see. I couldn’t see the tracks of cars just below my view. I didn’t know that help was closer than I thought. And when I got to the cleared road, people were going about their business. All was just beyond my view.
So many times we get blocked by what we see – our circumstances, our problems, our situations. But when we can determine in our heart to move out of that, just move, head toward the door, God. God gives us a different lens with which to see. And just like that we are on the way. You don’t know where your help will come from, but start out on the journey. type to you later.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
It snowed again last night. And again the newly fallen snow glistened as it held tight to everything it covered. Don’t you love the new snow? As I was looking out I noticed a track across the snow and down into the woods. There were no paw or footprints but one single line that did not let up. It was almost like a single sled blade. I finally came up with a small groundhog or mole whose little body covered the tracks or a very low flying bird (smile).
Stay with me. The context of where we are in our lives is covered by the new fallen grace everyday of God’s love. The tracks we make it that grace are because of the way we act. Are we making tracks that cause others to stop and ponder at the uniqueness of our tracks? Or are they tracks that look like everybody else? Think about it.
Another thing. I quickly surmised that the tracks were headed toward the woods and not away. How would I know? It was a single line? Are our tracks in God’s grace pointed toward the source? Or away from the source? Pointing toward the source says we know we can’t do it alone and we return time and time again in communion. Pointing away says we no longer need the source and we can handle life on our own. (Yes, there are those who believe that.)
So- what do your tracks look like? Which way are they pointed? Type to you later.
Stay with me. The context of where we are in our lives is covered by the new fallen grace everyday of God’s love. The tracks we make it that grace are because of the way we act. Are we making tracks that cause others to stop and ponder at the uniqueness of our tracks? Or are they tracks that look like everybody else? Think about it.
Another thing. I quickly surmised that the tracks were headed toward the woods and not away. How would I know? It was a single line? Are our tracks in God’s grace pointed toward the source? Or away from the source? Pointing toward the source says we know we can’t do it alone and we return time and time again in communion. Pointing away says we no longer need the source and we can handle life on our own. (Yes, there are those who believe that.)
So- what do your tracks look like? Which way are they pointed? Type to you later.
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