Thursday, March 31, 2016

Stop Twirling

Why do we so easily spin out of control?  What is it that causes us to get caught up in our own little whirlwind?  I offer that first, we spin out of control because we think we are in control. Let's start there. If we would first recognize that our being in control is not control at all, but a lie.  Go ahead, think about it. Whether you are going strong and all is good, or you are being whipped; you are not in control. You are juggling to keep all balls in the air, and some are falling anyway. And you spin out of control.

Let's get to that place of the spinning out. Stop, let the balls drop, shift your focus. You can, it's scary but it is real. Shift your focus from you and what you want. Offer what you want to God and what is really is yours.  Let me say it another way, "not my will, but your will."  You see, there really is a plan for you, a place for for you, a joy for you. Yes- joy because you can indeed rest from your striving and enjoy following Holy Spirit.

I'm telling you something I know, not just something I read.  We don't hear enough of God's will for our lives. We don't hear enough that Holy Spirit is indeed our paraclete,and walks alongside. We don't hear enough that Jesus work on the cross was for our dysfunctional behaviors - our sins. That's what dysfunctional behaviors are. But it is all real nonetheless.

Let's get to that single place of you resting in God's will for your life. Let's get to that place of peace in walking in that will.  Get the image- in the movie Frozen, when Anna made a little snow cloud for Olaf to rest under although the weather was warm.  Do you remember that?  Watch the movie. A snowman not melting because of his own private snow cloud.  Do you hear me? You not twirling out of control because of your peace afforded you by God, wherever you go. Your will? Let it go! Not my will, but your will Lord. Go ahead try it, it takes practice, look how long you have walked the other way. enough for now.


Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Walk in Your Newness

I paused to allow time for you to rest in your newness. Breathe in and receive the peace and joy afforded you by Jesus' work on the cross. Walk free. Yes, things may not be as you wish, but you are indeed free. enough or now.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Happy Resurrection Day!

And on the first day of the week. . . They couldn't find Him. . . His body was gone. . . The tomb was empty. . . Jesus rose from the dead as he said He would!  As F.G. Sampson used to say, "And a Hallelujah goes right there."

It is time for celebrating! Celebrate that Jesus got up as He said He would. Celebrate your life because of Jesus' love and obedience for you and to God; of God's love for you; of Holy Spirit's guidance for you.  Celebrate that your life is spared and you are freed from any lie of the enemy, all doubt, all fear, all worry- celebrate. Celebrate that the sin cost has already been paid by Jesus and you can live! Celebrate that no chains can bind you. Yes, those chains you were bound by were just paper chains.  And all the time you thought they carried weight. No tear them off now. Walk in the newness. Walk in the light. Walk humbly in your freedom.  Walk listening to the guidance of Holy Spirit. Walk in the promises of life because of our resurrected Savior.

We celebrate this Resurrection Sunday because of Jesus' resurrection. We celebrate God's love for us that He sent His son to die a death that we could not handle.

Please let me be secular for a moment. The accusers get caught up about different groups of people, and of what they are, and how they are murderers and no good. And makes me sick. Today it's Muslims, yesterday it was Blacks, tomorrow- who knows?  But the real crazy part is that had Jesus not died for all of our sins, we all would be doomed. We all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. We all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. We all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Ahhh, but Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!

What sin is causing you grief? Oh yeah, you got one. If you say you don't you are not living in reality. But you can br freed from that. God loves the sinner, not the sin.  And today is your day to be relieved of it. Walk in it. Celebrate. Ask God what is the one thing that comes between you and Him. Sure you have more, we do, but He knows which one is causing the most harm.  And it is usually not what you think. Then give it to Him, tell Him how you feel about it. Give those feelings to Him. Let Him take it- after you have released it. Then celebrate the release.

Happy Resurrection Day! Happy Easter! Jesus is alive! We have life! enough for now.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Saturday - Week of Challenge

I would call this day of contemplation; after all that has happened. Can you even imagine how the followers of Jesus felt? How do you feel? No one had a clue of the magnificence of what was happening.  I think we miss it also. What a week, what a week!

How do you feel when everything you thought has been turned around? For us on the backside of history, we have hope. Please don't miss that. Spend time today in quiet, with hope, that you are not alone, you will make it. Turn anything that hinders this quiet over to God. Stay there and release, and receive the peace of God. enough for now.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Good Friday- Week of Challenge

After the betrayal and arrest, Jesus was held, then brought before Pilate who transferred him back to Herod, who sent him back to Pilate and then Pilate set Jesus before the people who condemned him. He was taken that day to be crucified on the cross.

It was dreadfully painful day for Jesus' followers. While it was indeed an excruciating day for Jesus, he followed his Father's will. Yes, he had prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane that what he was to bear be removed. "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will" (Matt. 26:39 NIV). And here we are, Jesus has died. He followed his Father's will to death. He suffered, bled, and died. That is where we are today. We pause in prayer to contemplate the magnitude of what Jesus did- for us!  His death gave us freedom, His resurrection secured it, but that is in a few days.  Let stay here.

Do you know how free you are? "Jesus would not come down from the cross just to save himself. He decided to die just save me." That is a song we sing; here it is- it is truth. And even in the seven last words from the cross, Jesus set it up for us to live. Contemplate what his last words from the cross mean to you.

"Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do" (Luke 23:34).
"Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise" (Luke 23:43).
 "Woman, this is your son. This is your mother" (John 19:26-27).
"My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?" (Matt. 27:46, Mark 15:34).
"I thirst" (John 19:28).
"It is finished" (John 19:29-30).
"Father, into your hands I commend my spirit" (Luke 23:46).

Because of Jesus, you can live free, free from anything that hinders you. You can watch what God is doing in your life. enough for now.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Maunday Thursday- Week of Challenge

This meal together that has been an ordinance for the Protestant church - that supper that we still celebrate today. There was so much that went on that day. Just as we have our busy days preparing for whatever we do.  We never know if what we are preparing for will be the last, will be the first of something. I just don't think we spend enough time contemplating our actions for the kingdom. Everything we do should be done in honor of God.  Yes, you see- when we do that then we do it to our best. Hold that thought.

Even as the disciples had that last supper with Jesus, they had no clue. Jesus told them that someone there would betray Him. Scripture records that Judas asked, "surely not I." And Jesus answered, "Yes, it is you." Come on. My parents used to say, "if you step on a dog's tail he will bark." Go back and read Matthew 26:17-30. Let's come back to us today. Spend time today and look at your actions. Do you betray Jesus with your words, your actions, your thoughts? Are you the one? Hold that thought.

During the meal, Jesus got up, removed his outer garment, wrapped a towel around his waist, and began to wash the disciples' feet (John 13:1-17). He showed them how we are to love another- to serve. How do you serve another? How do you love another?  Even if it is a smile, a kind word. Listen, Holy Spirit will guide you.

There was so much more that fateful day on to the garden. Please read it. Please recognize that you are so loved by God. After all, that is why Jesus did what He did. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16 NIV).  If you have betrayed, are betraying, you can stop and receive God's loving on you.  He already loves you. Receive it. Contemplate the awesomeness of this day. enough for now.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Wednesday - Week of Challenge

Have you recognized how 'things' come at you when you are trying to walk in a more peaceful, contemplative walk with God? They just seem to bombard you and giving up and giving in appears to be an option. It is not an option.

On this day of that week Judas conspired to hand Jesus over for 30 pieces of silver (Matthew 26:14).  This day in Holy week has been called "Spy Wednesday." But there was another happening - one of love and adoration for Jesus at the Bethany home of Simon the Leper. The Mary (John 11:2) with her alabaster jar of perfume poured it on Jesus' head while he was reclining with the disciples. Jesus said wherever the gospel is preached what that Mary did will be told (Matthew 26:6-13).

Ponder the two actions: the betrayal of Judas or the adoration of Mary. Where are you? Are you betraying Jesus by your words? your thoughts? your deeds? Or are your actions of praise, adoration, love of what you have received from Jesus? Just asking. You have received your freedom - freedom from those lies, those dysfunctional behaviours that you thought you could not let go of.  Jesus freed you.

Judas? Mary? You?  Where are you? Walk it out as Holy Spirit guides you. You can. This is your moment. enough for now.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Tuesday- Week of Challenge

Tuesday of Holy week. Jesus is confronted by the leadership of the Temple. Jesus continues teaching using the parable of the vineyard (Matthew 21:33-46); the wedding banquet (Matthew 22:) and others. Reread those parables and hear what Holy Spirit is saying to you. Recogize that you are invited, you have a place at the table.

People are waking up to the horror of the bombing at the airport and metro stations in Brussels. Let our prayers collectively surround those hurt, maimed, and in shock.

From your place at the table, pray for God's peace to permeate, to restore, to release those held captive by the lies they have falsly held. Pray for a release of fear in your heart. Watch what odis doing in yourlife this day. enough for now.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Monday- Week of Challenge

Our week began with the celebration of Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem. According to Mark 11:11, after Jesus' entry He returned that evening to Bethany.  I don't know what He thought, perhaps He considered the difficult days ahead. What are your days like? You do know that your days are so much easier because of the events of this week- no because of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. 

Today Jesus returns to Jerusalem and cleanses the Temple. Read Matthrew 21, Mark 11, Luke 19.  What do you see? Jesus cleanses what mars our connection. Remember we are contemplating our own walk. Where is your faulty connection?  Allow yourself to release it today, and rest. My church in Detroit celebrated this week by naming it "Week of Challenge." What are you challenges? One at at time. Peace this week. enough for now.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Week of Contemplation

Come into this week contemplating this last walk of Jesus. He was celebrated, yet condemned. Crudcified, yet rose again. But for now walk with him. Walk your life out in a contemplative way. What does Palm Sunday mean to you?  Take time to think about the awesome sacrifice -for you, and for me. enough for now.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

No Greater Joy

This is my devotional today from God Calling. Read out loud, let it permeate the space around you. Feel it and then rest in it.

No Greater Joy
   "Withdraw into the calm of communion with Me. Rest- rest in that calm and Peace. Life knows no greater joy than you will find in converse and companionship with me.
   You are mine. When the soul finds its home of rest in Me, then it is that its real Life begins. Not in years; as man counts it, do we measure in My Kingdom.
    We count only from his second birth, that new birth of which I spoke to Nicodemus when I said, "Ye must be born again." We know no life but eternal Life and when a man enters into that, then he lives.
   And this is Life Eternal, to know God, My Father and Me, the Son sent by Him. So immature, so childish, so empty is all so-called living before that. I shower Love on you. Pass Love on.
   Do not fear. To fear is as foolish as if a small child with a small coin, but a rich father, fretted about how rent and rates should be paid, and what he or she would do about it. Is this work Mine or not? You need to trust me for everything." enough for now.

How Are You?

How is your breathing? It feels good doesn't it? I mean to begin to feel more alive. To breathe out the craziness and receive the peace of God.  As you breathe out and in verbalize the bad you are breathing out. Watch what God does with that and watch what God is doing in your life even now. There is even more for you as you receive what God has.  enough for now.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Your Time

Sit up.  Take a good deep breath. Now breathe out fear, breathe in peace. Breathe out worry, breath in quiet. Breathe out doubt, breathe in joy. Now get up. Look around. There is a reason you are where you are. Ask Holy Spirit to guide you in this place, at this time. Don't worry about how you got here, but now hear what you are to do, to learn, to be- in this place, at this time. This is your time! Take it! enough for now.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

I Need You to Survive

"I need you to survive." Hezekiah Walker's song of a few years ago speaks volumes to me today. "You pray for me. I'll pray for you, I need you to survive." As you read this I am waiting to be clear on what I am hearing from God. Pray for me. I know the power of community in prayer changes things. Esther sent word for the Jewish people in Susa to fast and pray with her. She prepared to go see the king uninvited by the king, which was against the law. And her words, "If I perish, I perish" (Esther 4:15-16).

There are times that we come together to the aid of one another in community, even if it is to just sit in the presence. There is so much power with being on one accord. This week, please call my name as you remember this blog. No, it is nothing dreadful, but I want to be clear. And I am being obedient in asking you to join me in prayer.

There is a cute illustration on facebook of ants moving together in line with their goods. An anteater attempts to suck up one of the ants and he calls for help. One ant hears, and grabs the ant. And after ant connects and one ant begins organizing all the ants quickly to form a large ball. Together they save the ant by stopping up the anteater's snout. Together.

We serve One so loving, so patient with us. We serve a great God! As we pray together let's celebrate life! Celebrate your life! Celebrate that you have been freed from all types issues that held you bound.  You have been freed. Walk in that freedom. Oh it is real. You take the step.

Look up the song on YouTube and listen. Walk in those words, recognizing that we are indeed in community with one another. I dedicate the song to you. enough for now.

Monday, March 14, 2016

What are You Doing?

What are you doing?  No, really. What are you doing?  Are you moving forward on your journey? Are you standing still wondering which way to go? Are you stuck, not sure what is going on? You do not have to stay stuck. That is a lie that you have believed and you no longer need to believe that.

Allow Holy Spirit to guide you. Look at what you do dysfunctionally, and let's get back to why you do what you do. Write it down. Write down how it makes you feel. Stop right there.  Does the feeling last? No, the things we do to help us feel better never last.  So we must go farther. Let's walk this out. enough for now.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Lift It Up

Lift it Up. What is one thing that you really need to get rid of in your life? Not sure? Yo may have too many? Lift it up. Now there is something I have not heard in a while. Lift it up. You can always lift it up to God. Allow Holy Spirit to guide you into what should be the first thing yo let go. Ask what causes the most problems in your walk. I used to say, find out what comes between you and God. You see, it is usually not what you think.

You have to start somewhere, start here. Lift it up, and then follow Holy Spirit's guide on how to let go. It is a process. It takes time. After all, how long have you walked wth it?  But you can start here. enough for now.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Clear it Out

I have been getting rid of clothes that I no longer wear.  You know, those things that I have not worn in over three years, yet they hang in my closet. . . taking up valuable space. Did you hear it?

Take time to clear out those things that have taken space in your mind, your heart, those things that are of no value to you. Look at what you worry about.  I mean day after day, year after year- the same thing. Has it helped that you worried? no. So let it go. There is clarity, freedom, in letting go.  After all, your worrying about it did not prevent it, make it happen, fix it . . . you name it. Worry did not help.

Today, let go of that person, place, or thing by offering it to God, and then watch what God does with it. Let go of worry. That really is a commandment from Jesus in Matthew 6:25-34. there is a reason that He does not want you to worry. Worry takes its toll on you, it really is not living.  Get started, clear it out. enough for now.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Enjoy the Beauty

I took this picture a while ago when I was in Hawaii. The tree is a block large and when the limbs are too heavy they drop to the ground and sprout.  I marveled not only at the tree, but what the root system must look like. It is a reminder that we are not alone. We are in community with other believers, and when we feel we are failing, it just be that it when we are sowing seed, or we are reconnecting in order to continue our growth.  I sat a while under the tree to find out what else it had for me. And I recognized that in similar ways others are drawn to us to see what we have for them.  What do we have? The light and we point the way to The Light.  

The crazy part is that as we point, we grow.  And in our growth we shed - we shed fear, doubt, confusion.  We shed those areas that are not in God's image.  It's a process. It does not happen overnight, but it does happen.  

Enjoy the beauty of your growth. enough for now.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Be Careful Where You Walk

Be careful where you walk. The news reported how many germs were on the METRO in D.C. The warning was to wash your hands often, and that is a good warning. I found that interesting. Good advice; yet interesting. But what about your life, where you walk, how you walk, and with whom do you walk?  I offer that Satan's ploys are so much worse than any germs. We walk in and out of treachery every day- that treachery that aims to take our joy, our peace, our life. There is only one way to walk- watching what God is doing in your life, following what God is doing, and trusting what God is doing.  Do you know how much worry you avoid by trusting God? Scripture gives a map to doing so, and it is so real. Be careful where you walk. Take time today to hear what God is saying to you.  Allow Holy Spirit to guide you. Walk in the power of the love of Jesus. and watch what happens.  enough for now.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Where Do You Fall?

Where do you fall? There are so many people hurting from one thing to another. How about you?  The question is how do you handle your hurt?  Too many people are falling never to get up, knocked out by that last one-two punch from life.  Others are trying to sit up, then get up, ready for the next round- whatever that round looks like. And others have discovered the way to "take a licking and keep on ticking," by becoming Weeble People. That was toy a while ago, but we are using that analogy here and now. Weeble People fall but they bounce back up.  Do you remember the punching bag toy that you hit and it falls over and comes back up?  That is like Weeble People.

So how do you get to be a Weeble People? You attach yourself to God and recognize that your story in wrapped up in God's story, and that you and indeed in God's will. That give you ground to stand and when life hits it cannot hit hard.  Oh, I promise that to be true. Yeah, you may be knocked back, but not knocked out. So let's start there.

Whatever you have as a major problem now, take real time and give it to God. You need to lament, to cry out, to yell, but not to mankind but to God.  Tell God how you feel about the problem. You see, healing starts at the feelings level of communication. Think about it. It how we feel about a person, place, or thing that causes us to react the way we do and may cause someone else to act differently.  Go ahead, get started. enough for now.