Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Why do we say,"work to live?"  That is a grave way of looking at life.  No,we don't 'work' to live.  We will whether we work or not.  Living life is the priority, not working.  Stay with me.  When we can shift our focus we can see differently.  God has given us life and love.  We have a grand chance to live fully in that gift by following God's plan for our life.  Life itself gives us opportunities to experience many aspects of God's love.  Work allows us to live the way we think we want to live- can you see it?  Shift back to living life as God has planned for you. 

Take a deep breath and live.  Absorb all that is promised you. Enjoy what God has done in your life.  Watch for God every day!   Don't work to live but live life!  Now watch what a difference it makes. type to you later.

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