Thursday, November 22, 2018

Day of Thankfulness

My mother used to say, “One man’s food is another’s poison.” I did not recognize how the original inhabitants of the land call America felt about the day we celebrate. I did not understand that it was not celebratory for them. 

For many of us it’s about family and getting together, loving together. We all need that. We all need a loving community. So I started thinking about what to say in my greetings. And then my cousin, Pat, texted me this morning with “Happy Day of Thankfulness.” I love it!

And I started in my journal another “100 things I’m thankful for.” And my thanks kept flowing. My prayers starting flowing. You see, my thanks became my prayers. To everyone, “Happy Day of Thankfulness”! May your thanks lead to prayers. May your prayers lead to change. May your change be of love. 

Please don’t miss what you have. Happy day of thankfulness! 🙅🏾‍♀️Wakanda forever. Family forever. 💕God’s love, God’s peace always! enough for now.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Look At You

Why is it so hard to look at our own faults? I think if we examined ourselves then we could row stronger. Take time and see what Holy Spirit shows you about you. And then be ready for a positive change. enough for now.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Seize What Is Yours

The joy this day presents is there for you. Seize it! This is yours. Oh my goodness, it is there. Let that permeate your spirit. Too often, we can't recognize what we have in that joy, in that peace. Shift yor focus from missing your joy to seizing your joy. enough for now.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Hold On

Hold on- help is on the way. You can’t see it, but it’s so close. You can’t feel it, it’s right there. Be still. Quit struggling against self. And just hold on. enough for now.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Wiggle Room

Do you know that you have wiggle room? The path is narrow, but you can wiggle. You can dance, you can skip. Too often too many have believed that life is so rigid. Life has so much to offer, as long as you stay on the path- but you can wiggle. Look around, smell the flowers, view the clouds laugh, and listen. enough for now.

Monday, November 5, 2018

One Day

One day at a time. Be encouraged. In this one day believe in yourself. Do not let negativity enter your thoughts. Think on things that are positive. Today. enough for now.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

This is Your Day

This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it! This is your day made for you by God. Your joys are contained in this day. Your peace is available this day. Your anxiety is relieved this day. Oh can’t you feel it? This day was made for you. Walk in it. Accept it as the present it is. It is a special present to you. Live in this present moment of the day with God. enough for now.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Take Time

In times like these, we can carelessly lose our way when we are not sure who we are. We must be sure who we are, and being sure is a part of us knowing what we stand on. How can we know what we stand on? Hmm. We can stand on who we are as being created in God's will. And we can listen and follow. When we can listen and follow we can be sure of our path.

These times challenge us to be clear of what we believe and who we believe. What are you values? That too is tantamount. Take time today to hear and to follow. enough for now..