Friday, June 8, 2018

God Is

Oh listen, as you spend time with Psalm 46. Rest on verses one and two. You see you must know that God is our refuge and strength. You must know that for this journey. Read all the way through, pausing again on verse eight. Ohh, come and see what the Lord has done. When we were, we used to say, Come and see what the Lord done done. When you finish the Psalm, go back to verse ten - and "Be still, and know that He is God."

Take your time with this. He is God is spite of the foolishness of the world. He is God in spite of the enemy whispering otherwise. Kate Spade, Anthony Bordain, in the past week. Robin Williams and so many others in the past. Fame doesn't cut it. Depression knows no friends. You see, communication in community is so important. We must be connected. We must be able to share with someone where we are.

Don't ever let anything make you believe that you must keep silent because of your mental health. It is not a stigma. This is your life and you are to live it richer than you know. This has nothing to do with money, success in society, but in running your race to the fullest with Holy Spirit guiding. I promise there is so much more. Please get help.

Call somebody. Call me. Call God- he is our all in all. "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble." enough for now.

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