Sunday, July 17, 2022

Stand Up, Not Down

1 Samuel 17:26c
(RSV): “For who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God?”

This is the story of David and Goliath. Go back and read it. This was the passion that David had toward Goliath. Before we can fight, we must have that drive. The Israelites army felt defeated and had given up. But one boy, with one slingshot did what others could not do. He knew who he was fighting, that Goliath was not bigger than God. And he knew how to fight, in the way that worked for him- no armor, no battle weapon - but a slingshot with five smooth stones. 

We have to know why we fight, who we fight, and how we fight. Our why is because nothing is larger than God. Our who is the Goliath tries us against and agin in different ways. Oh he’s defeated but he knows that we don’t realized that, and so he taunts. Our how is by listening to Holy Spirit and not making a move without him. enough for now.

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