Sunday, November 19, 2023

No Doubt

Matthew 28:16–17 (NRSV)
“Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted.”

Spend some time with this today. The disciples had walked with Jesus, witnessed miracles, yet some doubted- not just one. So when the disciples worshipped Jesus what were the others doing? We’re they “fake worshipping” so as not to be found out? Doubt blocks worship, doubt hinders us from receiving what God has for us.

The thing about it is we can change now. Let us examine ourselves to see where there is any dark of doubt. Look back at what God has already done in your life, look at how he has kept you, see now how he is keeping you, know that he will keep you. I’m so grateful that even if he doesn’t do another thing, he’s already done enough, and I trust him with my life. I trust him with my being. 

And when little pockets of doubt pop up. You know the kind that cause you to try to figure it yourself instead of checking with God- just pause and remember - he has you. He has you, in spite of your misgivings. Listen, Jesus commissioned all the disciples- the worshippers and the doubters. We have work to do. enough for now

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