The last day. Tomorrow is the first day. The last day of the year. The first day of the new year. This is the day that you have, and not even that is promised to you. How will you live TODAY? Think about it. Sure, get your chores done; but live as though your life counted on it. It does. Live TODAY loving others; loving your self. Allow yourself to take in the wonders of what God has done and is doing. Allow yourself to contemplate how you have made it - even when you weren't sure about so any things. Live thankful TODAY. You see, so many will not have this day, or this hour. You are here by express purpose of God. Think on that.
I have to call on Paul: "And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thought on what is true and honorable, and right, and pure, lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me- everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you" (Phil. 4:8&9 NLT).
Now you making a new pattern. TODAY. And then tomorrow do it again. Blessings for joy and peace, hope and love for the new year! enough for now.
Saturday, December 31, 2016
Wednesday, December 28, 2016
It's Pattern Breaking Time
What happens when everything is going great and then you hit a wall? How do you react? Go ahead, think about it. Do you forge ahead? Do you revert to your old pattern? You do? How is that going for you? You see, most of the time we revert to your old pattern, which does not work.
So how can you get away from that old pattern? Let's first recognize what you do and look at the outcomes. Chart it. You need to see it before you can change. Go ahead. Let's break some bad patterns. Don't wait to start in the new year. Let's leave some stuff behind in this year. enough for now
So how can you get away from that old pattern? Let's first recognize what you do and look at the outcomes. Chart it. You need to see it before you can change. Go ahead. Let's break some bad patterns. Don't wait to start in the new year. Let's leave some stuff behind in this year. enough for now
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
Joy- Joy
Joy, joy, unspeakable joy. Wow. I need that Joy. I have found that it only comes from the shalom - the peace of God. That peace sets it all up for hearing, receiving, and resting is what God has for us. Yes, it is real. Oh yeah. It soothes, calms, restores, rejuvenates. This is an awesome time to get that joy. You don't have to wait until the new year. You change is now. Receive that. How? Glad you asked. Shift your focus from your stuff to the stuff of God. Don't you like how I brought that Philippians 4:8,9 in there?
You see, God has already set it out for you to be restored, to live fully, to rest whole in His will for your life. Don't let another day go by. Yeah, you were stuck in stupid stuff, but your un-stuckness (don't you like that?) - your un-stuckness was always there.
Today, instead of focusing on your 'woe is me' focus on "How great Thou art'. Instead of 'what will I do?' focus on 'What God has done'. You see, sometimes we need to remember what God has already done in order to realize what He is presently doing and to hope in what He said He will do.
Joy, breathe out fear, breathe in peace. Breathe out hurt, breathe in peace. Breathe out guilt, breaths in forgiveness. Yes, forgive yourself. Go ahead, joy, joy, unspeakable joy. enough for now.
Sunday, December 25, 2016
You have Something to Celebrate
This is it! This is what I've been waiting for. This is the day in Christiandom. If Jesus had not been born, then he would not have walked this earth. If he had not walked this earth roughly 33 years, then he would not have been crucified and died. If he had not been crucified and died for my sins, then He would not have rose from the dead. If he had not rose from the dead, then I could not live free from all the pain, the hurt, the sorrow, the guilt, the day to day stuff. And yes, he sits at the right hand oft he father, having already sent us a Paraclete to walk along side of us guiding us. That is good news!
This is the day! Yesterday I felt melancholy because I was not with family. It's lonely sometimes. When I talked to my son, the conversation so blessed me. It was my Christmas. It was my kiss on the cheek from God. I love it when God does that.
Celebrate your life by celebrating the birth of the Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace - Jesus! enough for now.
Saturday, December 24, 2016
Expectation! We expect. No, not Santa. Not gifts. We expect the joy of celebrating the birth of Christ. What do we celebrate? Love. That is it. We celebrate the love of God for us by sending His only Son. We learned this verse when we were so young. "For God so love the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16 NIV). We celebrate because the birth of Jesus affords us life.
How can we celebrate? We celebrate by loving one another. Yeah, it is difficult to love some of these people. But love God loves them just as He loves you. Yeah, sometimes you feel unlovable, but God loves you, love yourself. You are special. "Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another" (John 13:34-35 NIV).
Expect every promise God has made. Expect to walk knowing your true identity in God. Blessings of restoration and renewal to you! Merry Christmas!
How can we celebrate? We celebrate by loving one another. Yeah, it is difficult to love some of these people. But love God loves them just as He loves you. Yeah, sometimes you feel unlovable, but God loves you, love yourself. You are special. "Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another" (John 13:34-35 NIV).
Expect every promise God has made. Expect to walk knowing your true identity in God. Blessings of restoration and renewal to you! Merry Christmas!
Saturday, December 17, 2016
In this season of expectation you must be ready. Positioning. God has positioned you for what He has for you. Some things He has moved you from, and some things He has brought you closer. . . It is all about God's positioning. What can you do with that? Position yourself to receive. If you are not clear on your position - ask. Post yourself to hear, and wait. Don't let your past moves dictate your present moves. And when you are clear move forward.
Contemplate what this season means to you. Remove the gifts and focus on THE GIFT to you. Look at what Jesus did for you. That is a lot of love for you. Focus on that. Yes, this is a season of newness, of expectation. Expect to hear, expect the newness of your journey. Recognize that God has positioned you for the express purpose of now. enough for now.
Contemplate what this season means to you. Remove the gifts and focus on THE GIFT to you. Look at what Jesus did for you. That is a lot of love for you. Focus on that. Yes, this is a season of newness, of expectation. Expect to hear, expect the newness of your journey. Recognize that God has positioned you for the express purpose of now. enough for now.
Sunday, December 11, 2016
This is a season of expectancy. It is bigger than what you want for Christmas. Your biggest gift has already been delivered. We celebrate His birth. This is a season of expectancy. What are you expecting? What are you waiting for? Watching for?
This is my season of expectancy. God said, "Come expecting, not fretting." That is enough right there. It is difficult at times; but I expect . . . I expect what God has promised me, and even more.
"Come expecting, not fretting." enough for now.
This is my season of expectancy. God said, "Come expecting, not fretting." That is enough right there. It is difficult at times; but I expect . . . I expect what God has promised me, and even more.
"Come expecting, not fretting." enough for now.
Thursday, December 8, 2016
Blessings of Stillness.
May I be real? It is difficult, it is difficult to be still; even when God says so. Now that is out of the way. Let me tell you. It is difficult. But . . . yes there is a but. But when you do and you listen, then you can hear.
I actually have been laughing at where I am and realizing the real size of what I am facing. The size? Tiny, compared to the blessings of what God has already done. Tiny.
I encourage you to see "Beast of the Southern Wild," about six year old Hushpuppy and the world she lives in. She lives through a rough existence, yet is very philosophical for her age. One quote, "When it all goes quiet behind my eyes I see everything that made me flying around in invisible pieces. When I look too hard it goes away. But when it all goes quiet I see they're right here. I see that I'm a little piece of a big universe and that makes things right." As Hushpuppy is followed by a hedgehog that grows as her problems grow. At a point in her life she turns to face the very large animal and stares it down.
You can't walk away from your problems, but must face them. Yon can't effectively face them unless you consult with the One who can walk with you through. It leads me back to being still, and hearing. Being still and knowing that He is God. Blessings of stillness. enough for now.
I actually have been laughing at where I am and realizing the real size of what I am facing. The size? Tiny, compared to the blessings of what God has already done. Tiny.
I encourage you to see "Beast of the Southern Wild," about six year old Hushpuppy and the world she lives in. She lives through a rough existence, yet is very philosophical for her age. One quote, "When it all goes quiet behind my eyes I see everything that made me flying around in invisible pieces. When I look too hard it goes away. But when it all goes quiet I see they're right here. I see that I'm a little piece of a big universe and that makes things right." As Hushpuppy is followed by a hedgehog that grows as her problems grow. At a point in her life she turns to face the very large animal and stares it down.
You can't walk away from your problems, but must face them. Yon can't effectively face them unless you consult with the One who can walk with you through. It leads me back to being still, and hearing. Being still and knowing that He is God. Blessings of stillness. enough for now.
Monday, December 5, 2016
Know, Expect
In the midst of this awesome season I recognize that there are those who are hurting- who are lonely. And yes, God is still able, God is still God; but the hurting need to really know that. Those who are just a little down need to know that. It is not just something to say but something to know. I offer a word: "May my cry come before you oh Lord; give me understanding according to your word. May my supplication come before you; deliver me according to your promise" (Ps. 119:169-170 NIV).
Breathe, recognize and know the awesomeness of you are because of God's love for you. Walk in that knowing. "Come expecting, not fretting." That is my quote from God. I share that with you as you watch what God is doing in your life. enough for now.
Breathe, recognize and know the awesomeness of you are because of God's love for you. Walk in that knowing. "Come expecting, not fretting." That is my quote from God. I share that with you as you watch what God is doing in your life. enough for now.
Friday, December 2, 2016
Walk in Your More
Too often we take our circumstance as truth for everyone else. The danger is that it is not even truth for us.
Don't let your circumstance be your truth. Get directions from the TRUTH. No longer cage yourself, your emotions, your expectations based on what you have been through. To do so makes a pattern that you don't need and don't want.
You are more . . . walk in your more. enough for now.
Don't let your circumstance be your truth. Get directions from the TRUTH. No longer cage yourself, your emotions, your expectations based on what you have been through. To do so makes a pattern that you don't need and don't want.
You are more . . . walk in your more. enough for now.
Sunday, November 27, 2016
Promise and Law
It has been a busy time of celebrating family, and thus in celebrating God. Or let me say it another way - in celebrating God, I can celebrate family.
Now, I realize that some may not have biological family, nor any extended family; however, we are family and I celebrate you. Where is your community? Who is in that community? Allow God to draw you closer and then to surround you with a community of believers where you can feel celebrated.
Hold on to two verses out of Psalm - God's promise, God's law.
"Defend my cause and redeem me; preserve my life according to your promise" (Ps. 119:154).
"Your compassion is great, O Lord; preserve my life according to your laws" (Ps. 119:156).
According to your promise, according to your laws. Meditate on that and see where it takes you. It should take you to a hallelujah and peace. enough for now.
Thursday, November 24, 2016
Happy Thanksgiving
Blessings of contemplation and peace as you celebrate Thanksgiving. Each day should be a season of thanks. Too often, we look at what may be wrong, an irritable problem, something that has not gone as right as we think it should. Sadly, to focus on whatever it is -is just a distraction from what is right. Take time to shift your focus from the small irritables to the larger. It is in the larger that God moves and encompasses all so that what was a small irritable can be offered to God. It is then that we can give thanks for what we do have, what we have been through, who we are. You see, it is what we have been through that shapes us positively when we offer it to God. Again, shifting our focus.
Happy thanksgiving! Happy season of giving thanks! enough for now.
Saturday, November 19, 2016
A Contemplative Season
I am in a season of contemplation and marvel. They go hand in hand. The more I contemplate the awesomeness of God in my life the more I marvel at how He loves. The more I marvel, the more I trust.
We came through an interesting presidential election. We came through. Many people are hurting, but people would have been hurting either way. This was a painful time, and people need to heal. How? Well for me- I had to give it all to God. I did. This world is God's and that is not just a thing to say. It is really something to trust.
I was in Haiti last week, and again I marveled at the resilience of people - to live. More on that later. How about you? Do you want to live? Oh I mean live more fully in what God has, and forsaking what the world says? You see, when we get quiet we can hear, we can follow what God says. Yes we can.
As I said, it has been a time of contemplation. What are you contemplating? What holds your attention? What keeps you up at night? I offer- let it go. Yes, it is difficult, we have been programmed to fix it, work it out, make it happen. Ah but when we let God take it, we can watch what He does, and we can marvel. enough for now.
We came through an interesting presidential election. We came through. Many people are hurting, but people would have been hurting either way. This was a painful time, and people need to heal. How? Well for me- I had to give it all to God. I did. This world is God's and that is not just a thing to say. It is really something to trust.
I was in Haiti last week, and again I marveled at the resilience of people - to live. More on that later. How about you? Do you want to live? Oh I mean live more fully in what God has, and forsaking what the world says? You see, when we get quiet we can hear, we can follow what God says. Yes we can.
As I said, it has been a time of contemplation. What are you contemplating? What holds your attention? What keeps you up at night? I offer- let it go. Yes, it is difficult, we have been programmed to fix it, work it out, make it happen. Ah but when we let God take it, we can watch what He does, and we can marvel. enough for now.
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
What does Change Look Like?
One question for you to consider: What does change look like? Many people who wanted change must realize that my change does not look like your change. Don't want to talk. Just want to consider how awesome God is - God who never changes, who is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. God who is still in charge. And now we watch what God is doing in our lives. enough for now.
Sunday, November 6, 2016
Get Lost in Psalms
When I was in Venice, we were told to get lost in the many areas that so produced different levels of joy and adventure. I offer that life is an adventure, and today I encourage you to get lost in Psalms. That is a good lost. "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path" (Ps. 119:103 NIV). "Direct my footsteps according to your word, let no sin rule over me" (Ps. 119:133 NIV). "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want" (Ps. 23:1). Find a Psalm for you and stay there for a little while. In America, we are facing a rough week- the elections.
We need to get to that place of peace and sanctity. We need to take god long breaths - breathing out hostility and breathing in peace; breathing out hate and breathing in love; breathing out disappointment and breathing in quiet. Breathe out anything that does not look like God and breath in everything that looks like God.
Oh, not just for us, it for everyone. Breathe. Let the peace of God permeate your spirit. And rest in that.
Go ahead, get lost. enough for now.
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Another Viewpoint
Another perspective. I got so bogged down with concerns and had to pause. I knew that feeling. And I knew to hurry up and get still. That is when Holy Spirit showed me- another perspective. Another way of looking at what I was viewing. Whew! When I got still I heard, my heart was stilled. Peace.
Another viewpoint. What do you do? How many times have you gotten twisted around, twirled to and fro, in your own little tornado? You know, when everything is moving and you are not the one moving it? I offer that it is not always Satan. Sometimes you are being twirled to shake off some stuff, to settle you for what you are to do. That is why you get still- to hear clearly from Holy Spirit. Stop struggling, and listen. And when you get direction from Holy Spirit, you follow. You'll know. When it is Holy Spirit you'll have a peace in the midst of the storm. And you can see clearer.
Sometimes all you need is another viewpoint. The one from Holy Spirit. enough for now.
Another viewpoint. What do you do? How many times have you gotten twisted around, twirled to and fro, in your own little tornado? You know, when everything is moving and you are not the one moving it? I offer that it is not always Satan. Sometimes you are being twirled to shake off some stuff, to settle you for what you are to do. That is why you get still- to hear clearly from Holy Spirit. Stop struggling, and listen. And when you get direction from Holy Spirit, you follow. You'll know. When it is Holy Spirit you'll have a peace in the midst of the storm. And you can see clearer.
Sometimes all you need is another viewpoint. The one from Holy Spirit. enough for now.
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Try It
Why do we focus on the negative and not on the positive? Why do we miss the constructive comments of our lives and we get stuck on the destructive comments? What is it about negativity that causes us to lose our focus?
We miss so much of what God is doing because our focus is on what is not happening (or so we think). What will it take to stop, and listen? Listen to what Holy Spirit directs. What will it take? Try it. That is a shifting of your focus - from what you think to what God shows. . . from your will to God's will. Try it. enough for now.
We miss so much of what God is doing because our focus is on what is not happening (or so we think). What will it take to stop, and listen? Listen to what Holy Spirit directs. What will it take? Try it. That is a shifting of your focus - from what you think to what God shows. . . from your will to God's will. Try it. enough for now.
Friday, October 21, 2016
Don't Break
Change, changes, changes. Life is about changes. Our life is changing consistently, but it is what do do with the changes. It is how we feel about the changes. We must be fluid in order to flow. Without flexibility we will break. How do we become flexible? Glad you asked. We cannot hold bitterness. Bitterness robs us of our flexibility. Where does bitterness come from? Unforgiveness is a big contributor.
Take time today to see where you are still holding yourself hostage by not forgiving. Yes, you are the one being held hostage, not the other person, place, or thing. Unforgiveness only hurts you. Allow Holy Spirit to show you a place of Unforgiveness and then realize how you feel about that place. Then give that to the Lord. How? You may need to lament or grieve, but let it go.
Remember the goal here is to remain fluid, flexible so that life cannot break you. Go ahead, start today. enough for now.
Monday, October 17, 2016
Life - My Life, Your Life
Wow. Life. A new year along this journey. New surprises, and I'm sure new disappointments; yet, I am ready. God has kept me and guided me along this journey. Yes, there were times when I didn't get it, oh but the compassion, the mercy of God. Thank you Father!
Today, look back and contemplate with me. Look at where you have come from, the lessons learned, the joys, the sorrows, it is all a part of your journey. Now move confident that as you have been kept and guided, you will be kept and guided. Celebrate this day of your life! Get ready for the next leg, and the next one. enough for now.
Sunday, October 16, 2016
Pray Now, Breakout
William McDowell sings of a "Spirit Breakout." We need a Spirit breakout. We need to bask in the presence of God. We need to hear and follow Holy Spirit's guidance. We need to know the love Jesus has for us. Yes, we do. Pray now. Start with acknowledging who God is. Next a 'thank you' will do here. Oh yeah, you have something to give thanks for- yes you do. You can stay there for a while. Then petition God. Yeah, I know you have some petitions. We always do. Now just praise God that iris done. All is done. All is well. That God will do what He said He would do. Praise Him.
We used to sing a song when we were kids, "Praise Him, praise Him, all the little children, God is love. God is love." And then the song we all sing, "Jesus loves me, this I know. For the Bible tells me so. Little ones to Him belongs. they are weak, but He is strong. Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me, for the Bible me so."
Yes, He does. Yes we are made strong Him. Yes, we can hold on and yes we can shift the atmosphere. It shifts when we pray. Pray. Feel the breakout. Witness the marvels. Pray. Get excited and watch what God is doing in your life. Let me know what you see. enough for now
Sunday, October 9, 2016
Too Much
Too much. Sometimes life will overwhelm us and junk just keeps coming at us from all sides and we can't take not another thing - too much! What happens? What do you do? Whew. I offer that it is in that time that you recognize that you are not alone. You never were. It is in that time you need to give it all to God and watch God work.
Yeah, sometimes the situation does not change, but you are changed in the situation and you will find yourself on the way through. It's that storm that is bearing down but you are sheltered by God. And it is that shelter by God that allows you to get through, go through the storm. The storm does last always. If we do not walk it through with Holy Spirit we can feel the effects rougher. Hold on and walk with Holy Spirit, and then watch.
Let me talk a minute on the devastating hurricane Matthew and what has happened in Haiti, Bahamas, Jamaica. I really do not have an answer for Haiti. I know it was not because they are condemned by God. If that is true, then quite a few other countries would already be gone. What I believe is that God Is giving us all a chance to reach out- to help- to pray- to love. We have a grand opportunity to come together as a body of believers, as sons and daughters caring for our sisters and brothers. You see, they are our brothers and sisters. Scripture says to love one another. That is enough right there. Please join me in prayer first and then in any type of aid you can offer.
Too much? Nothing is too much for God! enough for now.
Saturday, October 8, 2016
Your Life as Abundant
New life. Full life. Abundant life, That is what you have been promised. If you are not living that life, you are hindering your blessings. Now, that does not mean a rich life, but it means a life of richness of what God has for you.
Are you hindering your blessing? What vows have you made about life? Have you asked God to help you raise your children? It sounds good. Yes, raise your children, but to go on after that. Life does not stop when the children have been raised. Your life continues. Have you asked God just to get through school? Your life does not stop after you finish school. Can you see your destructive vows? Renounce those and any demonic activity attached to it. I suggest that your prayers are for the fullness of life that God has promised. See, now that is in keeping with scripture.
Don't stop your life at any event but live through the event. This is a race, and in a race you do not run to the finish line, you run through the finish line. My track coach, Booker T, taught me that long ago. Oh how I really understand it now.
Don't stop your life at any event but live through the event. This is a race, and in a race you do not run to the finish line, you run through the finish line. My track coach, Booker T, taught me that long ago. Oh how I really understand it now.
Live your abundant life, full of God's love and peace. Peace is abundance lived. You can grow though anything as long as you have the shalom of God. Celebrate your life! enough for now.
Sunday, October 2, 2016
What Will They Say
A strong woman of God went home a few days ago. This pastor in Detroit was a woman after God's own heart. Rev. Dr. Wilma Johnson, you are missed. Everyone says the same thing about her commitment to God and to New Prospect. That is an awesome thing.
What will they say about you? Oh no, not that you made so much; but what you did with what you had. Not that you were the life of the party; but that the light of God shone through you. Not that you kept up with that latest in everything; but that you shared the good news of a risen Savior. That you love the Lord and your actions showed it. What will they say? No, do it do it for what they will say; but because you love God.
What will they say about you? Oh no, not that you made so much; but what you did with what you had. Not that you were the life of the party; but that the light of God shone through you. Not that you kept up with that latest in everything; but that you shared the good news of a risen Savior. That you love the Lord and your actions showed it. What will they say? No, do it do it for what they will say; but because you love God.
Cancer claimed Pastor J's body; but never her heart. Never her heart. Never her love of God, her love for people. What is trying to take your heart? Today, I am sad about this strong woman's passing; but glad that she is free. Today, I refuse to let anything take my heart. How about you? Join me in celebrating life itself! Your life is so important to God. That is why you have life. What will they say? Enough for now.
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Like the Gift It Is
The same old song. How do you feel about the day? If you say, "the same old song," I say, "shift your focus." Today is not - 'the same old song', not the continuation of what has been, not the regular routine. NO.
Today is a day you have never seen. It is a day in which you may be expecting some things to happen; however, you do no not know this day. God is so creative that our days are not the same. Give Him that credit. Yes, there are things you do in routine but should not be a routine. You woke up, wake up giggly about the prospects of what God has up for today. You brushed your teeth, look in the mirror and see the awesome face that God loves. Oh come on- it does not matter the type of toilet you have, whether large or small, inside or out, you can successfully eliminate poisons from your awesome body. See, the day is already different from any other day.
As you prepare for this day, watch for what God has. It may appear small, oh but the small gifts are the most memorable, most loved. This is your day, your gift of life. Don't miss a single event, happening, highs, nor lows. This is yours. Live this day like the gift it is. And then live tomorrow the same. You get it. enough for now.
Today is a day you have never seen. It is a day in which you may be expecting some things to happen; however, you do no not know this day. God is so creative that our days are not the same. Give Him that credit. Yes, there are things you do in routine but should not be a routine. You woke up, wake up giggly about the prospects of what God has up for today. You brushed your teeth, look in the mirror and see the awesome face that God loves. Oh come on- it does not matter the type of toilet you have, whether large or small, inside or out, you can successfully eliminate poisons from your awesome body. See, the day is already different from any other day.
As you prepare for this day, watch for what God has. It may appear small, oh but the small gifts are the most memorable, most loved. This is your day, your gift of life. Don't miss a single event, happening, highs, nor lows. This is yours. Live this day like the gift it is. And then live tomorrow the same. You get it. enough for now.
Saturday, September 24, 2016
A New Day
As I prepare the notes to teach my class on "The History of Christianity," I am watching the coverage of the dedication of the newest Smithsonian, the African American Museum, and my heart is full. I marvel at how God continues to hold and keep. . . How Christianity has survived, in spite of early and recent persecution; how we, as a people, have survived through early and recent persecution. All, for such as time as this.
There is a reason for your life. Marvel at what God is doing. Take time to go back over your life, and see just how God has kept you, grew you, and is keeping you and growing you. Marvel for this day in your life. There is so much more in store for you. Listen and follow. Watch and obey. enough for now.
There is a reason for your life. Marvel at what God is doing. Take time to go back over your life, and see just how God has kept you, grew you, and is keeping you and growing you. Marvel for this day in your life. There is so much more in store for you. Listen and follow. Watch and obey. enough for now.
Friday, September 23, 2016
Don't Buy In
Things are getting rough. Mass confusion is a terrible thing. Don't buy into the confusion. Breathe. Breathe out anxiety and breathe in peace. Continue until you can feel that peace. Blessings as you move though your day. enough for now.
Saturday, September 17, 2016
Get it Out and Get On
There are times. There are times when all your head knowledge and training just doesn't help. You know, those times when your saved, sanctified self just has had enough! And you just have to scream _____ or ______ or whatever you scream or shout to get it out. That could be a misdirected lament. (Remember, a lament is to God.) But at that point, that's all you got. Yeah it happens. Get it out and get on with your life!
Ah, but when you regroup, and you will regroup, your experience with walking with Holy Spirit comes to surface and you are reminded of how loved you are by God. And you can survive. Oh yes you can. It is never as bad as you think. Your life is not as sad, crummy, bad as you think. You are indeed blessed and you can rise above whatever the crazy is. How? Glad you asked (As F.G.Sampson used to say). Get still and hear, get still and feel, get still and allow the shalom of God to rest, to permeate your space. Oh, I promise it will happen. And when you feel that peace, then rise and walk in it. You will see things so much differently. Get it out and get on with your life. Blessings of peace as you rest and listen. enough for now.
In case you are interested: My new book, Notes from a Desert Place is available from Amazon, Borders, or my website: Blessings on your day.
Ah, but when you regroup, and you will regroup, your experience with walking with Holy Spirit comes to surface and you are reminded of how loved you are by God. And you can survive. Oh yes you can. It is never as bad as you think. Your life is not as sad, crummy, bad as you think. You are indeed blessed and you can rise above whatever the crazy is. How? Glad you asked (As F.G.Sampson used to say). Get still and hear, get still and feel, get still and allow the shalom of God to rest, to permeate your space. Oh, I promise it will happen. And when you feel that peace, then rise and walk in it. You will see things so much differently. Get it out and get on with your life. Blessings of peace as you rest and listen. enough for now.
In case you are interested: My new book, Notes from a Desert Place is available from Amazon, Borders, or my website: Blessings on your day.
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Walk A New Way
How often do we play "victim"? How often do we try to make our issues another's? We do, yes we do. We do it when, in our state of mind we rehearse everything that has happened in a situation and expect the other person of offer a way out. It is that "help me, help me" state. I offer that you are not the victim all the time, probably - not most of the time. You cannot be when you more than a conqueror. So, it is a mindset.
Watch where and how you are you dumping on others, and what you are saying and feeling. Lament your feelings to God. When you do, and the more you do, the less you need to do, because it is God. I'm not telling you something I read, but something I know. Walk in you real state of being more than a conqueror. enough for now.
Watch where and how you are you dumping on others, and what you are saying and feeling. Lament your feelings to God. When you do, and the more you do, the less you need to do, because it is God. I'm not telling you something I read, but something I know. Walk in you real state of being more than a conqueror. enough for now.
Monday, September 12, 2016
After you have recognized your fear and given it to God, rest. Thank God for release and rest. Celebrate the rest. It feels good to rest, doesn't it? enough for now.
Sunday, September 11, 2016
Remember. As I woke this morning I find myself remembering my house and the remodeling I did while there. That was a peaceful remembrance. Then I recognized that today was the fifteenth anniversary of the attack- 911. And, as many still do, I remembered where I was when we heard the news about the planes hitting the two towers, and then the Pentagon, and then, and then. That is a sad memory, but one still valid. I remember with others. My remembrance will not be the same as others, it is still valid. We all suffered - whether directly or indirectly.
Today, pause with me for hope for all, no matter where you are. Pause for a time of peace for you and for all who exist on this planet. As you pause, get outside of yourself to see what you can do to make where you are safer, stronger, more peaceful. When I was young, in Sunday School we sang, "Brighten the corner where you are." What can you do to brighten the corner where you are? enough for now.
Saturday, September 10, 2016
Still More
Have you found Truth to the lie that is behind your fear? Let's do this again. Yes, we all fear something but it can be overcome because Hod did not give us a spirit of fear, but of love, power, and a sound mind. Ok, so we know we can indeed walk free from whatever the fear looks like. Can you imagine the freedom? Start there and walk toward it. You don't have to imagine, but can live a fear free life.
I bless you with hearing clearly from Holy Spirit. I silence the voice of the enemy. I silence your voice. Let's get started.
On a sheet of paper write down that fear in the middle of the page. Draw a circle around it. From that circle draw a line out and write down how what the fear has cost you. Now, circle that. Stay there until you don't hear anything else. Look at it. It has been a heavy load, hasn't it? Can you continue to carry that load? No? I didn't think so. Give that to God. Tell all that it has done to you. You see, there is power in speaking it out to God. Rest there. enough for now.
Monday, September 5, 2016
New Day
What is the lie behind your fear? Take your time. When you recognize the lie, then get the Truth. And walk in that. It will take a while, because the lie has been so ingrained that it had made a rut, a grove, a pattern. Ah, but now- the Truth will begin a new pattern, a pattern of freedom. Let's go. Happy Labor day to those in America. Happy day of new pattern to all. enough for now.
Sunday, September 4, 2016
It is a Celebration
Yesterday was my sister's birthday. Today is my middle grandson's birthday. I love celebrating life. I love being able to see another year for them- for me. I love life. I love celebrating the life God has given. Oh celebrate life today. Celebrate what God is doing in your life. The more you celebrate, the more you will see. Watch what God is doing, and celebrate life! enough for now.
No Fear
No fear. No fear of anything. Absence of fear brings you peace. Whatever the fear, give to God and rest in the shalom of God. Breathe . . . and rest in peace. No fear. enough for now.
Thursday, September 1, 2016
Did You Find Your Fear?
What is your fear? Did you recognize one?
Fear can trap you in its web; but it does not kill you. It does not kill you. Yes, you may be hurt, disappointed, but it does not kill you.
Fear of ________ . What is your fear? It is not about the __________, whatever it is. It is about the fear. Now, the crazy part is that fear is False Expectations Appearing Real. It is not real. So we can move past that fear. We can combat it because it is not from God and has no place in our lives. "For God did not give us a spirit of timidity (fear), but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline (sound mind)" 2 Tim. 1:7 NIV. Do you know how many believers could walk free just by walking in that revelation alone? You can walk free of fear.
Let's get started. Wait on Holy Spirit to show you your fear. Oh you may have a few but let's get started. What is the first one? Write it down. What is it that you fear? How has this tripped you up over the years? What is the foundation? What cost have you paid because of this fear? Can you afford to keep paying? Then give it to God. Give God the feelings about the fear and the lost and how it has tripped you up. Take your time, you may need to lament or grieve. Don't rush this. When you have finished you will know because you will feel lighter. Then thank God for the release. Now renounce any level of demonization that has occurred because of that fear. Announce your holding on to the second Timothy passage- that you can walk free because God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. Now rest. enough for now.
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
What is Your Fear?
What is your fear? Yes, you have something, even if it is so small, it is still real. Don't tell me "spiders and snakes." Get still and allow Holy Spirit to speak to you on your fear. I had a moment earlier about my particular fear. I recognized how I move all around the issue instead of going into the storm. And I recognized that is was not always that way. Quite a few disappointments have met me on my journey, yet quite a few awesome moments have carried me.
My fear? Fear of failure, in certain situations. And so I place barriers between me and whatever or I word around. Come on. I don't think I'm the only one. Here is the issue, I move to a point and stop short. I know that is not real. The failing part of failure is that you give up, that you don't try. That is the messed up part, but that's how fear works.
Today we combat our fears. What does failure look like after all? It does not kill you! You try for a position and don't get it - failure. You have failed relationships - failure. You lose your financial standing- failure. You say hello to someone and they don't respond- failure. You get a bad grade- failure. You don't run because you don't think you can - failure. You are afraid to walk in your gifts in case they don't manifest- failure.
The sad part of failure is that its foundation is in ego. Yes it is. And ego edges God out. You think that it is on you, about you, but it is on God, about God. That should be a release right there. It is not about you. So when God says move, move. When God says, trust, trust. What is your fear? enough for now.
Monday, August 29, 2016
What Happens?
What happens when you miss? You know, when you miss saying, "thanks," when you miss saying, "I'm sorry." What happens? What happens when you miss a time of fellowship with a loved one, when you miss a place of peace for yourself, when you miss a time of commune with God. When you miss that time, that moment, don't fret, be ready for the next time; which may include that present moment. Don't give up, get it as soon as you can. Don't allow guilt to eat away at what you did not do, present it to God and keep going. enough for now.
Sunday, August 28, 2016
Don't Get Boxed In
I talked to my son earlier and could hear some disappointment in his voice. He was to do a triathlon today, but arrived at the transition area one hour too late. When he told me about it, I saw it as an opportunity from God to pause and rest and hear. He felt bad because he is on top of all details, usually. But he is now in a time of 'unusual' for him. You see, he is recovering from a coughing cold, he is a medical student, and the triathlon is in a different time zone. Can you see it? Hold on.
As I sat down to my desk, I realize that I had little projects still open that I normally would have had done. As I started, I jumped from one to another. It was too much clutter on my desk, and I cannot function well like that. I felt boxed in. Not overwhelmed, but just boxed in. So, I paused to get direction and clarity from God. Then I could see my way. Did you hear it?
Many times we find ourselves boxed in with what we usually can handle or how we usually get things done. But God! Yes, but God. Even if our own drive, our own stubbornness to press through, our own pride in handling things, trip us up. . . God. We can pause and get clear directions. Even if we boxed ourselves in, God can open the box. Even when we get discouraged in what we could not accomplish, God can lift us and gift us proper footing.
For all you overachievers, underachievers, and those in between; don't allow yourself to get boxed in with what you once did, with how you use to do it, with how you thought you knew the correct formula for your success. Sometimes the formula changes. You must be ready to go with it. Sometimes the path takes a new turn. Go with it. Rest in what God is doing, i what God can do, in hat God will do. Trust Holy Spirit's lead and not your own. Don't get boxed in. enough for now.
As I sat down to my desk, I realize that I had little projects still open that I normally would have had done. As I started, I jumped from one to another. It was too much clutter on my desk, and I cannot function well like that. I felt boxed in. Not overwhelmed, but just boxed in. So, I paused to get direction and clarity from God. Then I could see my way. Did you hear it?
Many times we find ourselves boxed in with what we usually can handle or how we usually get things done. But God! Yes, but God. Even if our own drive, our own stubbornness to press through, our own pride in handling things, trip us up. . . God. We can pause and get clear directions. Even if we boxed ourselves in, God can open the box. Even when we get discouraged in what we could not accomplish, God can lift us and gift us proper footing.
For all you overachievers, underachievers, and those in between; don't allow yourself to get boxed in with what you once did, with how you use to do it, with how you thought you knew the correct formula for your success. Sometimes the formula changes. You must be ready to go with it. Sometimes the path takes a new turn. Go with it. Rest in what God is doing, i what God can do, in hat God will do. Trust Holy Spirit's lead and not your own. Don't get boxed in. enough for now.
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Won't He Do It?
Oh, won't He do it? Yes, He will. Yes, He can. Yes, He does. Yes. Just when you feel at your wits end. Just when you think there is no hope left- God. Yes, He will do it. What is your 'it'? What is your last effort place? What is it that you are hanging onto for dear life? What is it? Let go and watch what God does. After all, you couldn't do it. It may be that you had to be here so you could see what God is doing. I don't know, but I can answer "Won't He do it?" Yes.
Maybe you need help, maybe you need healing, maybe you need release from pain, heartache, or sorrow. Maybe you need peace. Oh yeah- peace, the shalom of God. We all need God's shalom. And we can receive it. Stop . . . let go . . . wait . . . rest . . . watch what God is doing. Yes, He will do it. enough for now.
Maybe you need help, maybe you need healing, maybe you need release from pain, heartache, or sorrow. Maybe you need peace. Oh yeah- peace, the shalom of God. We all need God's shalom. And we can receive it. Stop . . . let go . . . wait . . . rest . . . watch what God is doing. Yes, He will do it. enough for now.
Saturday, August 20, 2016
These Three
Faith, family, and friends. These three. Community. These three keep you in community. These three strengthen you and when they are positive, they are uplifting. Your family and friends should be encouraging you and your faith walk. If not, somethng may be wrong. You see, sometimes you may have friends or family that are not positive. You should politely place them outside of your inner circle. Sometimes we link up with those that mean us no good, and constantly deplete our energy. You must get them out of your inner circle. Not sure how? Let Holy Spirit show you how to "walk away' from those that deplete your energy. And let Holy Spirit show you who is to be in your inner circle.
Faith, family, friends. Let's look at that faith thing. You see, sometimes we have faith in the wrong person, place, or thing. And that causes us great harm. Have faith in God and in His promises to you. Too often we blame God for our misplaced judgment, and that ain't cool. It is wasted energy, and it sets us off down a rabbit trail of misplaced trust; and the enemy loves that. You see, any distraction from Truth is a lie and will be used against you by the enemy. Afraid? Scripture says it takes faith the size of a mustard seed. "I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you" (Matt. 17:20 NIV). Wow. If that is all it takes, look at what faith that is larger than a mustard seed can do. Oh how God loves us. But your faith must be in God.
Faith, family, friends. Faith in God, loving family, supporting friends. Yes, it is possible to have a strong community. I know it to be so because Holy Spirit showed me this earlier. These three- it is possible to have because of the big Three- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Yes, you can. Yes they will. Yes, to your life! enough for now.
Friday, August 19, 2016
Which Way?
TODAY. Today rest is offered to you - take it. Today peace is offered to you - receive it. Today you have a fresh start on an otherwise uneventful day. You see it is all new to you. Change your focus, change the way you look at the day. This is an adventure! Watch for what you will see differently. Watch for the newness in the ordinary. This day belongs to you! Watch what God is doing in your life, today. Watch and ask which way? enough for now.
Thursday, August 18, 2016
Did I?
"I had to. . ." How many times have you used that term? How many times have you found yourself justifying your actions- even if you are justifying to yourself. It is used to explain away ill gotten advice, even sometimes advice from self based on incorrect or incomplete information. It happens. Unfortunately, we continue along the same lines with the ill gotten advice not knowing how to make it right, but answer, "I had to." "I had to do what I had to do."
This morning, after praying about a client and his breakthrough, the Lord showed me that too often we are stuck in bad decisions, with bad directions, from bad advice, and are afraid to move out, move away, because of lost time, of losing face. But when we can recognize what it really is, then we can move immediately. . . straightway. . .without haste.
How? By receiving right direction, by asking Holy Spirit, "which way?" And then . . . wait on it . . . waiting for right direction, and following. Yes, it is never what you think, no, it is not the way you choose, but it it the true way for you. And there is no need for justification. Go ahead, try it- "which way?" And when you get right direction, follow without worry about what others think. After all, they don't know your journey. enough for now.
This morning, after praying about a client and his breakthrough, the Lord showed me that too often we are stuck in bad decisions, with bad directions, from bad advice, and are afraid to move out, move away, because of lost time, of losing face. But when we can recognize what it really is, then we can move immediately. . . straightway. . .without haste.
How? By receiving right direction, by asking Holy Spirit, "which way?" And then . . . wait on it . . . waiting for right direction, and following. Yes, it is never what you think, no, it is not the way you choose, but it it the true way for you. And there is no need for justification. Go ahead, try it- "which way?" And when you get right direction, follow without worry about what others think. After all, they don't know your journey. enough for now.
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
Thank Him
I didn't do it yesterday, but I am still marveling at the joy that arrived in my life 47 years ago, yesterday- my son. I marvel that God trusted me- me, with something so precious. Wow. And through it all, God has kept him and guided him into places that he dreamed, and couldn't dream. I love you Marq. Thank you Lord for keeping Marq. Thank you for loving me, and trusting me.
How about you? God has trusted you with life. Wow, that is a big thing. Why don't you thank Him? enough for now.
How about you? God has trusted you with life. Wow, that is a big thing. Why don't you thank Him? enough for now.
Monday, August 15, 2016
Listen, and Follow
Think about how you react to everyday challenges. Has it changed at all? It should if you are growing. You should not be reacting to similar challenges the way you did even a year ago, if you are growing. Some may not now cause a reaction. You should be growing more into recognizing distractions in your life. That is what they are there for- to distract. So be still, and look at how you handle distractions, how quickly can you recognize them. Can you? You can if you are listening for Holy Spirit's guidance. Try it today. Listen, and follow. enough for now.
Sunday, August 14, 2016
Try It
How often do you miss one little important aspect, or one little important piece? Hmm, let me do it another way. How many times have you assembled something and had one little screw, or one spring left? Or you were following a recipe and when you were done found that you had left out one ingredient? You don't even know where it was to go? Okay, did I get everybody? How many times? How many relationships have been harmed because you did not hear it all? or have all the facts? How many jobs have been lost because someone did not get all the facts?
How many times did you start out on a journey of bliss and when it got rocky you could not get your footing and gave up- whether it was relationships, friendships, jobs? Come on. How many times? We all have been there. And we may get there again if we do not learn how to offer everything we do to God. Yes. When we offer it - the situation, the activity, the person, place, or thing, to God, we resolve to follow Holy Spirit's guide. It is at that point we can see what we may missed earlier. Oh, try it. Oh you will not believe the peace.
How many times did you start out on a journey of bliss and when it got rocky you could not get your footing and gave up- whether it was relationships, friendships, jobs? Come on. How many times? We all have been there. And we may get there again if we do not learn how to offer everything we do to God. Yes. When we offer it - the situation, the activity, the person, place, or thing, to God, we resolve to follow Holy Spirit's guide. It is at that point we can see what we may missed earlier. Oh, try it. Oh you will not believe the peace.
Breathe. Try it. enough for now.
Friday, August 12, 2016
Get it Out
I am amazed at how a good cry out to the Lord puts everything in proper perspective. It just clears things up. I think it is when we recognize that we are totally reliant upon Him and that He does have a plan for our life. It is release. I may be a good lament that leads to a great praise and then resolve. Don't hold things twirling in your head. You can't work it out alone, no, you don't have to work it out alone. Your load is bearable because you are yoke with Jesus. Go ahead, let it out, release, resolve, and then watch what God is doing. enough for now.
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
What is Yours?
Why are we content to follow on everything when we are made to lead on some things? Yes, we all can't lead all the time, but there are times when your gift, your expertise is in demand. It is then that you lead. When the situation calls for a different gift a different level of expertise, then you step back. Everyone has something to contribute. What is yours? enough for now.
Monday, August 8, 2016
Shut the Noise
Do you realize how hard it is to shut down the chatter of everyone and everything and listen to God? Oh it can happen but it is hard. Let's be real. We allow so much clutter in our head, our heart, that we must shut the noise. And then when we are in the quiet we must not be afraid. That is an awesome place to be. Go ahead- try it. enough for now.
Sunday, August 7, 2016
Telling/Not telling
I have been contemplating John 4 and the woman at the well. I am amazed at how we are consistently trying to do for self when God has everything we need. Yeah, we do. We figure it all out from what time a day we should get up to get to the well, when it is best for us. On how we are going to act with anyone who approaches us. We already have our excuses made. Just want to get what we want and get back to safety. We try to take care of self through out own craziness, through our own dysfunctional behaviors. Oh but Jesus. You see Jesus offers us freshness, realness, living water that sustains. And that prompts us to tell somebody about what we have received from Him.
Hmm, could it be that people in the churches are not telling because they are not receiving? Could it be that you have not received that sustaining life. It starts with us, you know. You receive and you tell somebody, then that body tells somebody, and it goes on. Bear in mind, you tell verbally, but it holds true in your actions. Receive that living water, that new life, and then run saying, "come see a man." enough for now.
Hmm, could it be that people in the churches are not telling because they are not receiving? Could it be that you have not received that sustaining life. It starts with us, you know. You receive and you tell somebody, then that body tells somebody, and it goes on. Bear in mind, you tell verbally, but it holds true in your actions. Receive that living water, that new life, and then run saying, "come see a man." enough for now.
Friday, August 5, 2016
I am amazed at how soon we can be distracted. See, just that quick, I paused to think about that statement and became distracted. Paused to hear where you are being distracted. Allow Holy Spirit to show you and then come back. enough for now.
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
Keep on Walking
Walking with your limp. I have been stuck on Jonathan Butler's song, "Walking with my limp." I like it, but I see some other things. Let me see if I can go there. There are things that hinder us, that cause us to 'limp'. And while we are limping, we may not recognize that we are. It could be that we have become accustomed to a dysfunctional walk that "it is what it is." Oh but, it does not have to be. We first recognize what it is that causes us to limp from tripping over, from being caught by the same stupid the same way over and over again. Go ahead - think about it. Let Holy Spirit direct you.
Look at what that limp has caused you in your life. Write it down. Relationships, jobs, friendships, life, health, peace. What has it cost you? . . . Wow! That is quite a bit. Can you afford that dreadful cost? If not, then let's get started. Give that limp to God, give what it has cost you, give what you feel about it. This is your life. You deserve more than that. Now rest. When you are rested, walk. Yes, you may have a limp, but a smaller limp. Keep walking, and when you hear "you are still limping," you say no, but God. Keep walking, allow that movement to be more of a strengthening for you. If God has you walking away from what caused you to limp, walk away. Keep walking.
You are not walking alone but walking with Holy Spirit, and that right there gives you what you need to walk. Keep walking, you will find yourself walking and not limping. It is a process, it is is doable. enough for now.
Look at what that limp has caused you in your life. Write it down. Relationships, jobs, friendships, life, health, peace. What has it cost you? . . . Wow! That is quite a bit. Can you afford that dreadful cost? If not, then let's get started. Give that limp to God, give what it has cost you, give what you feel about it. This is your life. You deserve more than that. Now rest. When you are rested, walk. Yes, you may have a limp, but a smaller limp. Keep walking, and when you hear "you are still limping," you say no, but God. Keep walking, allow that movement to be more of a strengthening for you. If God has you walking away from what caused you to limp, walk away. Keep walking.
You are not walking alone but walking with Holy Spirit, and that right there gives you what you need to walk. Keep walking, you will find yourself walking and not limping. It is a process, it is is doable. enough for now.
Tuesday, August 2, 2016
Nothing but God
I just returned from the White Coat ceremony for my son. He is now in medical school after years of living, and his dream remained intact. And even when he had to resign from his 14 years of high school science teaching for going into premed- he prayed and he did. Just a few years prior, he began running and biking, and swimming more. He is now a triathlete. Why am I saying this? Oh yes, I am a proud mother- but more than that. As we talked the day before the ceremony he shared that he saw all along how God kept this in his view, and how he placed people and situations in his path for him to learn. He said it has been nothing but God. Nothing but God!
Yesterday was Marq's first class. He texted me this morning and said it was a long day. And I smiled, because it will be nothing but God. Did you see it? Did you hear it? Nothing but God. Family members have said that Marq is an inspiration- he is, because of God's hand on his life.
Take time today to access where you are. Allow Holy Spirit to walk with you showing you places where you were guided toward who you are. Yes, you are being guided, but you must follow. Blessings of awareness as you contemplate your journey to this point. And when you see God's hand give thanks, praise Him for your precious life. You have not seen it all yet. Nothing but God. enough for now.
Yesterday was Marq's first class. He texted me this morning and said it was a long day. And I smiled, because it will be nothing but God. Did you see it? Did you hear it? Nothing but God. Family members have said that Marq is an inspiration- he is, because of God's hand on his life.
Take time today to access where you are. Allow Holy Spirit to walk with you showing you places where you were guided toward who you are. Yes, you are being guided, but you must follow. Blessings of awareness as you contemplate your journey to this point. And when you see God's hand give thanks, praise Him for your precious life. You have not seen it all yet. Nothing but God. enough for now.
Saturday, July 23, 2016
More Than
Even on your best days you can be overwhelmed with the craziness. Remember, you are more than conquerors. Whew! That is deep. Donald Lawrence asks in his song, "Is there no king in you?" Royalty - that is who you are. Take deep breaths and walk in your true identity. Don't let the stupidity get you down. Get the junk out. Lament it. Release, and recognize your restoration. Enough for now.
Your Regalness
I find it interesting that in this place in time there are those that attempt to make me jump through unnecessary hoops for something I desire. Let me unpack that. As a person of color in America, there is always one more "t" that must be crossed or one more "i" that needs to be dotted. But there comes a time when one must realize that you are who you are without the weight that others want to impose. That time for me came long ago. I am who I am because of whose I am- yeah that was bad English. I am who I am because I am a daughter of The King. And I walk in that identity. Yes, others may not understand who I am, but I do.
What does it say for you? Oh please recognize that you are bigger than, you are more important, you are valued, you are God's Beloved: and what God has for you is for you- no hoops attached. Others may not understand who you are. That is their problem, not yours. Walk in the reality, the regalness of your royal identity. Recognize and walk, do not limp, into your destiny. enough for now.
What does it say for you? Oh please recognize that you are bigger than, you are more important, you are valued, you are God's Beloved: and what God has for you is for you- no hoops attached. Others may not understand who you are. That is their problem, not yours. Walk in the reality, the regalness of your royal identity. Recognize and walk, do not limp, into your destiny. enough for now.
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Saturday, July 9, 2016
Speak Jeremiah
I had an awesome conversation with my only son yesterday. We talk often, but this talk was under the oppression the nation is facing. I have one son and three grandsons, nephews, brother in law, cousins. Black men. And yes, I'm tired. My heart aches for my people, for the ignorance of people. But my son brought me back. He shared the scripture he stands on. He just said the number - I knew the passage- and I cried. Jeremiah 29:11. You see, that is one of my scriptures and I realized that I had allowed my humanness to get in the way of knowing what I know, and that is GOD IS! Marq said something else - that it does not matter - because of Jeremiah 29:11. Come on!
That brought to my memory my second trip to Israel, I had a student tell me that her adult daughter was afraid she would die on the trip. I told her she's going to die somewhere. Oh true. The truth is- no one wants to die, much less in a cruel way. But we will die, we don't live forever. And knowing and knowing and walking in Jeremiah 29:11, (or any other passage you stand on), can bring you peace.
I rested with this passage and I am so at peace now. God has this thing. On, yes, we say, "Get home safely," yes, we tale precautions. Oh, but we will, "Get Home Safely!"
My prayer is for the healing of hearts, the resolution of hurts, the resolve to trust God and follow God's will for your life. You see, there is a plan. Read Jeremiah 29:11-13. Let the words permeate your spirit. For now, "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope" (Jer. 29:11). enough for now.
Friday, July 8, 2016
Hold on to Your Joy
There comes a time when the ache is so great that one must lament. I ache over the senseless killings, the absolute ignorance of too many people. I lament because I don't want this heartache to eat me up. I am clear, you have to lament in order to keep a clear head. Don't let anything take your joy. enough for now.
Saturday, July 2, 2016
Your Newness
Oh to be free! To realize the awesomeness of your life. To know how precious you are to God. And then to walk in that. It is freeing. It releases you from you. You can walk in your freedom, in your uniqueness. You can. Start today. Look at your blessing of life and then thank God for that. Then keep on thanking Him. Thank Him that you can see, you can read this. Start with those things you don;t think about. I think you will see that you have so much more than you know. Then look at those things which bind you in a different light. What do you see? Cool, isn't it? Go ahead, celebrate your freedom, your newness and start walking in that. enough for now.
Friday, July 1, 2016
It Does You No Good.
This time we have is so precious. We cannot afford a precious moment to be lost by Unforgiveness or bitterness. Either of these will destroy. Take time today to get the junk out. Lament it and let it go. It does you no good. enough for now.
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Your Wheel
Lord, help me not to get back on the wheel, running, running, running, just trying to keep up. How about you? Or is yours Lord, help me to get off? Or could it be that you don't even recognize that you are on a wheel? Think about it. What does your running wheel look like? What keeps you - sometimes needlessly? You see, while we all must live, it is the running after, running to, running from those things that causes us the needless pain. Tell me, what is your wheel? Ask Holy Spirit to identify that for you, and then ask what does it take to get off that wheel. Send me what you have found. Let's all keep one another in prayer. enough for now.
One more thing. My latest book, Notes from a Desert Place, is available from Amazon, or from me on my website.
One more thing. My latest book, Notes from a Desert Place, is available from Amazon, or from me on my website.
Sunday, June 26, 2016
Yes, You Are
Just a thought. Take it in. Let the words permeate your spirit:
"Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or sword? . . . No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present not the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Rom. 8:35,37-39 NIV).
I too am convinced. . . You are more than a conqueror. enough for now.
"Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or sword? . . . No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present not the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Rom. 8:35,37-39 NIV).
I too am convinced. . . You are more than a conqueror. enough for now.
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Feel the Freshness
Have you ever walked around outside after a real hard rain, thunderstorm? Have you notice how clean, how fresh things appear? Yes, there are usually broken limbs and /or things blown out of place also. But have you noticed how fresh the air? I think sometimes storms blow through our lives just to dislodge weak stuff that just hangs on. Yeah, we don't like going through it, but when the storm is over- we can breathe anew- afresh-clear of junk that weighs our mind, our heart.
Sometimes the storm can be so small, yet it causes so much havoc in our mind. But when you decide to stand firm on God's promises; when you decide to live above it, live it out, live it through- then you can feel the freshness. And then you can think clearer. You see, between self and the enemy, you can get confused on what is happening. The storm is real, but your outcome can be different. Walk around, see what was dislodged- and thank God for it. Don't try to restore but walk on, renewed.
How about you? Stand to see the storm through. Then thank God for your renewal on the oter side of the storm. enough for now.
Sometimes the storm can be so small, yet it causes so much havoc in our mind. But when you decide to stand firm on God's promises; when you decide to live above it, live it out, live it through- then you can feel the freshness. And then you can think clearer. You see, between self and the enemy, you can get confused on what is happening. The storm is real, but your outcome can be different. Walk around, see what was dislodged- and thank God for it. Don't try to restore but walk on, renewed.
How about you? Stand to see the storm through. Then thank God for your renewal on the oter side of the storm. enough for now.
Thursday, June 16, 2016
Stand Still
Distractions will mess you. They cause you to look away from your intended goal. Stop. Think, look. Stand still. Get directions from Holy Spirit. And then move. Don't let distractions throw you off. enough for now.
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Continuous Praise
"I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth" (Ps. 34:1 NASB). Let's try that today. Don't think about how it should look, just praise Him. You are reading this- start here. Start with thanksgiving and it will move to praise. You can think about where you are, where you have been. Praise Him. Watch for what happen today. enough for now.
Saturday, June 11, 2016
What is Your 'Go To'?
I was talking with a prayer partner the other night and we agreed that, as sisters, we need one another. Even as I write, I am reminded of a plaque my biological sister gave me long ago, "We are better together." Back to the conversation. We do need one another, iron sharpens iron. As we conversed, I shared my 'go to'. What is your 'go to'? You know when the one thing that plagues you pops up and you have that few minutes of panic. You could call that pop up your thorn in the flesh. What is your 'go to'?
My 'go to' has been consistently getting shorter. That is a good thing. I am consistently relying on the 'Backup' more. The 'Backup' has always been there but the 'go to' makes me feel I am in control, I am doing something. Oh yeah. You have a 'go to'. First, what is the one thing that causes you fear, worry, distraction? Ask Holy Spirit to show you what it is. Then examine how you handle it. The crazy part is that it really is a distraction to throw you off track. And it does. And then you move into 'save the farm', 'save yourself' mode. Your thinking is skewed, and you make mistakes, promises that are not real.
You see, the 'go to' is the panic. The 'go to' appears to save the day, if it would happen. Oh but the 'Backup' is the peace. The 'Backup' is the rest afforded by Holy Spirit, as you get still and listen. Yeah, there may be a little 'go to' left but it is fleeting. It should be, as the 'Backup' is the hookup. The 'Backup' allows you clear seeing and thinking. You can get there, first recognize what is your 'go to' and start relying on your 'Backup'. enough for now.
My 'go to' has been consistently getting shorter. That is a good thing. I am consistently relying on the 'Backup' more. The 'Backup' has always been there but the 'go to' makes me feel I am in control, I am doing something. Oh yeah. You have a 'go to'. First, what is the one thing that causes you fear, worry, distraction? Ask Holy Spirit to show you what it is. Then examine how you handle it. The crazy part is that it really is a distraction to throw you off track. And it does. And then you move into 'save the farm', 'save yourself' mode. Your thinking is skewed, and you make mistakes, promises that are not real.
You see, the 'go to' is the panic. The 'go to' appears to save the day, if it would happen. Oh but the 'Backup' is the peace. The 'Backup' is the rest afforded by Holy Spirit, as you get still and listen. Yeah, there may be a little 'go to' left but it is fleeting. It should be, as the 'Backup' is the hookup. The 'Backup' allows you clear seeing and thinking. You can get there, first recognize what is your 'go to' and start relying on your 'Backup'. enough for now.
Thursday, June 9, 2016
Today, I such a peace in the midst of things not happening the way I want. I am floating as I allow what God has for me. It is so cool. My son called, and he also is moving in that peace. We all should. Yes, it is real because we walk by faith, not by sight. Let that sink in. enough for now.
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
Why is it so difficult to get quiet? Why are we so afraid of the quiet? I offer that in the quiet we find out about ourselves; we face 'us'; and that is frightening. I also offer that we can hear God, and that is frightening to some.
Come on, I'll go with you. Get still, we
can get still together, right now, and listen. Do that now or as soon as you can. It really is time to get to a new place of awareness. enough for now.
Monday, June 6, 2016
Day by Day
Day by day. Yes, we are moving away from being stuck, from being disobedient to God. We do it day by day. Today, I had a twinge of "what am I going to do?" And just as quick, I remembered God's word to me. And I got up, eager to walk in this day.
Day by day. That is all we have, so we must take it day by day. Here's the cool part: Day by day we are promised that Holy Spirit walk with us as our paraclete guiding us. Enjoy this day that we have been given. Enjoy all that God has in store for you. Look around experience something you have not experienced before. It may have been something you have done before, but you can experience it in a whole new way. Day by day. Let me now how you are doing. enough for now.
Day by day. That is all we have, so we must take it day by day. Here's the cool part: Day by day we are promised that Holy Spirit walk with us as our paraclete guiding us. Enjoy this day that we have been given. Enjoy all that God has in store for you. Look around experience something you have not experienced before. It may have been something you have done before, but you can experience it in a whole new way. Day by day. Let me now how you are doing. enough for now.
Sunday, June 5, 2016
Call me Jonah
"Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it"
(Hab. 2:1 NIV). I'm stuck right there- how about you? What has the Lord given you? What has He made the way into, or out of, for you? Oh, how many times do we forget? How many times do we run?
Call me Jonah. I'm confessing. I'm tired of running away from what God has by trying to tweak it. You see, He has made ways so many times when I let go and allowed His will to permeate my life. Yes, it takes a letting go. Today I wrote down what God has shown me, and today I move toward that with passion. No, we never get the whole picture- the whole journey, but to get started is a major consideration of the journey. You see, to get started is to acknowledge that you are trusting His will for your life.
Don't get me wrong, life will throw stuff at you to get you off track- to distract- to abort your mission. And yes, it can get rough- but just . . . when . . . you . . . are . . . at . . . your . . . wits end . . . GOD! And then you recognize that He was there all along, that much of what you went through was needless energy.
I'm tired of running. I'm moving. I'm following. I'm walking in my name- not Jonah, but Emily- beloved -daughter. How about you? Write down the vision, make it plain. Keep it where you can see it. Work on it everyday. Yes, you do have time- even if you reread it. And go with it. enough for now.
(Hab. 2:1 NIV). I'm stuck right there- how about you? What has the Lord given you? What has He made the way into, or out of, for you? Oh, how many times do we forget? How many times do we run?
Call me Jonah. I'm confessing. I'm tired of running away from what God has by trying to tweak it. You see, He has made ways so many times when I let go and allowed His will to permeate my life. Yes, it takes a letting go. Today I wrote down what God has shown me, and today I move toward that with passion. No, we never get the whole picture- the whole journey, but to get started is a major consideration of the journey. You see, to get started is to acknowledge that you are trusting His will for your life.
Don't get me wrong, life will throw stuff at you to get you off track- to distract- to abort your mission. And yes, it can get rough- but just . . . when . . . you . . . are . . . at . . . your . . . wits end . . . GOD! And then you recognize that He was there all along, that much of what you went through was needless energy.
I'm tired of running. I'm moving. I'm following. I'm walking in my name- not Jonah, but Emily- beloved -daughter. How about you? Write down the vision, make it plain. Keep it where you can see it. Work on it everyday. Yes, you do have time- even if you reread it. And go with it. enough for now.
Saturday, June 4, 2016
Community is Key
So much has happened and probably even more than I know. I love how God works, and then how we can see His works-if we are watching. After being with other believers, I am clear, that one can recognize easier the Divine works of God. One can definitely share easier when with believers. It is that strong sense of community, that fellowship - anywhere. Community is key. Do you have community with other believers? enough for now.
Sunday, May 29, 2016
It's Life
It's life. My middle grandson's high school graduation was two days ago but I am here in Paris presenting at a conference. It's life. His life continues, my life continues. I will see him when I return.
To my friends in France who read my blog I am in your country. This is my first time in Paris and I have enjoyed (as always) seeing something different, something new. And what have I seen here? Life- people living, loving, making their way in whatever way they have. I love the monuments, but I love watching the people more. Most have been friendly, available to help. A few have been not friendly (I'm sure from former encounters with Americans). But the cool part is that people are people and we all are connected because we all belong to God.
So to all of you everywhere we are one. In the African spirit of Ubuntu, (I am because we are). Or the Asian spirit of San Sung, (My light gives light to you, Your light gives light to me.) I hope I spelled and said it right. Or the Indian greeting Namaste (I bow to the God in You.) please feel free to send me corrections on the pieces or send me yours. Presently, this is my current situation. This is my life, your life, our lives. enough for now.
Friday, May 13, 2016
One Day as a Time
One day . . . at a time. One step . . . at a time. Each new hour. Each new minute. Take it all in. It all equals to slowing down. To catching up with yourself. To hearing more, recognizing who you are listening to; and then going forward. When was the last time you did just that? Then do it now. Do it with me right now. Feel life.
Your life is important. It is special. You are God's creation through your mother and father. Oh how perfect is that! You are created from Perfection through imperfection to grow toward perfection and return to Perfection. You are special. You are beloved of God. Be aware of your heartbeat. Feel your breathing in and out. God's breathe gives you life. You can do it. What does the day look live for you? Breathe out anxiety. Breathe in peace. Breathe out fear. Breathe in joy. Breathe out whatever Holy Spirit shows you, and breathe in what Holy Spirit shows you. Not sure? Whatever causes hindrances, obstacles. Whatever cause you to be stuck, breathe it out. Breathe in peace. Breathe in love. Peace is always on time and love covers a multitude of sin.
Stop looking at what everyone else is doing and start doing what God has for you. One day . . .at a time. Turn . . . and live. enough for now.
Your life is important. It is special. You are God's creation through your mother and father. Oh how perfect is that! You are created from Perfection through imperfection to grow toward perfection and return to Perfection. You are special. You are beloved of God. Be aware of your heartbeat. Feel your breathing in and out. God's breathe gives you life. You can do it. What does the day look live for you? Breathe out anxiety. Breathe in peace. Breathe out fear. Breathe in joy. Breathe out whatever Holy Spirit shows you, and breathe in what Holy Spirit shows you. Not sure? Whatever causes hindrances, obstacles. Whatever cause you to be stuck, breathe it out. Breathe in peace. Breathe in love. Peace is always on time and love covers a multitude of sin.
Stop looking at what everyone else is doing and start doing what God has for you. One day . . .at a time. Turn . . . and live. enough for now.
Monday, May 9, 2016
Walk it Out
Walk it out. Yeah, I know you think you are out; but you are not. You see, sometimes you need to look beyond what you see. Walk it out. How? Glad you asked. Allow Holy Spirit to guide you and you will find yourself at a totally different place. Your first step is to get still and listen, and then go. But this time you are not going on your own. No, not this time. This time you are following - not you, not mankind- not people, places nor things. This time you are following God's will and listening to Holy Spirit. Walk it out. enough for now.
Sunday, May 8, 2016
Mother's Day Blessings
Blessings to all mothers! If you have peace and can smile- blessings of contemplation. If you have loss and are holding on- showers of joy. If you have made mistakes (we all have) - blessings of forgiveness. If you are harboring anger - blessings of release. If you are feeling alone- blessings of community! If you are loved - blessings of sharing that love. Blessings of more- you see- you have been afforded another chance of peace, joy, love, of your beloved-ness from God. Happy Mother's Day! enough for now.
Sunday, May 1, 2016
Who and How: Shift
How are you doing with trust? What have you discovered about self? Have you recognized places where you were hurt by trusting someone and you turned that hurt toward God? You blamed God for what that person did to you? What have you realized about the word 'trust'? How do you trust? Stay with it.
We are still on that Proverbs 3:5 passage, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding . . ." You see, our understanding of a issue, no matter how learned, how smart we think we are, is nothing compared to the all encompassing knowledge of God. So, we can - no we should always check with God - in all matters. There is so much available to us, but not everything is beneficial to us. Going back to trust- can you see how much easier it is to check with Holy Spirit on any issue? Yeah, I know- the problem is either you don't believe you will get an answer, or you are in too much of a hurry and can't wait for Holy Spirit to guide. That is the role of Holy Spirit- to guide us into all truth. That takes quite a bit off our minds and hearts and allows us to move assuredly toward or away from whatever it is.
We cannot hold solely to what we understand, what we know about an issue. There are so facets to the complexity of the diamond called life, oh but God. When we turn toward God to gain understanding, to get clarity, we can make informed decisions, and we have peace. How do we shift? Shift your focus from what you know and present it all to God. Then wait. Shift your focus from your storm and present it to God. Then wait. Shift your focus, and watch. Oh wait- isn't that what I say? Watch what God is doing in your life. enough for now.
We are still on that Proverbs 3:5 passage, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding . . ." You see, our understanding of a issue, no matter how learned, how smart we think we are, is nothing compared to the all encompassing knowledge of God. So, we can - no we should always check with God - in all matters. There is so much available to us, but not everything is beneficial to us. Going back to trust- can you see how much easier it is to check with Holy Spirit on any issue? Yeah, I know- the problem is either you don't believe you will get an answer, or you are in too much of a hurry and can't wait for Holy Spirit to guide. That is the role of Holy Spirit- to guide us into all truth. That takes quite a bit off our minds and hearts and allows us to move assuredly toward or away from whatever it is.
We cannot hold solely to what we understand, what we know about an issue. There are so facets to the complexity of the diamond called life, oh but God. When we turn toward God to gain understanding, to get clarity, we can make informed decisions, and we have peace. How do we shift? Shift your focus from what you know and present it all to God. Then wait. Shift your focus from your storm and present it to God. Then wait. Shift your focus, and watch. Oh wait- isn't that what I say? Watch what God is doing in your life. enough for now.
Sunday, April 24, 2016
Who and How: Take the One Step
A few years ago Donnie McClurkin recorded a song that is so apropos-"Do you trust me"? Listen to it on YouTube if you have not heard it. But long before that, it was recorded in the Word, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight" (Prov. 3:5 NIV). Trust - now we can get confused, upset, worried, angered about that word. Trust. We have trusted, been hurt; don't trust, got hurt; will never trust again, don't want to hurt anymore. Did you find yourself?
The problem is that we miss the most important key- it is who we trust and how. If we believe the Word, and we have been hurt by others, it may be that we miss who we are to trust and how. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart." Let's start. What does trust look like? Go ahead, don't define it. I know you will think about your past hurts, but I offer to push that out the way and press into what trust looks like and what you need in order to trust. . . . .Then turn away from your past pain and turn toward trusting in God. Yeah, this may be new for you. But for now, take one step - my parents use to tell my sister and me, "If you take one step, God will take two." Take the one step. Spend this day releasing the pain of hurt from others and taking the first step toward trusting in God. enough for now
The problem is that we miss the most important key- it is who we trust and how. If we believe the Word, and we have been hurt by others, it may be that we miss who we are to trust and how. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart." Let's start. What does trust look like? Go ahead, don't define it. I know you will think about your past hurts, but I offer to push that out the way and press into what trust looks like and what you need in order to trust. . . . .Then turn away from your past pain and turn toward trusting in God. Yeah, this may be new for you. But for now, take one step - my parents use to tell my sister and me, "If you take one step, God will take two." Take the one step. Spend this day releasing the pain of hurt from others and taking the first step toward trusting in God. enough for now
Friday, April 22, 2016
Rest Prince
I didn't want to write yesterday about this. And just a little today.
Why do we hurt? Why do we allow ourselves to be hurt? Why can't we celebrate the gifts? Yes you have a gift- use it. For us, presently our hurt erupts in celebration for our musical icon, the purple gifted one- Prince. It is not about the "what happened"? but about the genius that is gone. And yes, Prince used his gifts. This is what it's like when doves cry- purple rain. Diamonds and pearls. Yeah, my three favorite. Rest now Prince.
We have more to do. Celebrate. Celebrate your life by using the gifts God gave you. Celebrate your life by loving on others. Celebrate your life. enough for now.
Why do we hurt? Why do we allow ourselves to be hurt? Why can't we celebrate the gifts? Yes you have a gift- use it. For us, presently our hurt erupts in celebration for our musical icon, the purple gifted one- Prince. It is not about the "what happened"? but about the genius that is gone. And yes, Prince used his gifts. This is what it's like when doves cry- purple rain. Diamonds and pearls. Yeah, my three favorite. Rest now Prince.
We have more to do. Celebrate. Celebrate your life by using the gifts God gave you. Celebrate your life by loving on others. Celebrate your life. enough for now.
Thursday, April 21, 2016
Go for It
"Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced." James Baldwin. Many times the fears, the lies that keep us bound are so overwhelming that we believe there is no way out. There is always a way out, but we must try. We must move past the fear that keeps us frozen in position. The fact that we move, that we try gives us a different perspective, and just may be what we need.
My father taught me how to ride a bicycle. He ran beside me steadying the back wheel, and assuring me that I was doing good. . . and I rode. Until I realized that his voice was fainter and fainter. I turned to look and he was not there. I looked back and saw him standing there with his hands on his hips nodding his approval. I should have gone on, but panicked, turned the wheel to go back but ran into a bush. Daddy was right there getting me up and encouraging me to go again. And I did.
Go again. Get up, step out, move out from where you are. Yes, you will get resistance sometimes, nothing is ever easy. Go recognizing that you are encouraged and if you fall . . . you can get back up. Go for it! enough for now.
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Commercial break. My new book is here! Notes from a Desert Place, Kingdom Living Publishers. You can order from me or the Publisher. It is a book of inspiration to encourage you along the way.
That's done. Another one of encouragement - take time to read the Psalms. Start at the first one and read out loud. You will find yourself in hymns of praise, of thanksgiving; you will lament with the psalmist and learn how to release. Read as any as you want us read at least one a day. Blessings as you start. enough for now.
Friday, April 15, 2016
It is Okay
It is okay to grieve a loss. It is healthy. Of course- your loss may not look like my loss. I think we should recognize that and allow that proper grieving. Relationships are all different and we connect in different ways. Is there a loss that you have not grieved? And it has been weighing heavy on your heart? How do you feel about that loss? Take time to tell God how you feel. Take time to grieve it. enough for now.
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
What do you do when you lose someone? Your hurt, your pain is real. A friend that once read my blog is now gone. A relative that once had a good life with her position no longer has the position. Another friend who once lived as he wanted can no live that way due to health. All of these are losses.
You must grieve the loss. Any loss deserves a healthy period of grief. No one can tell you what that is. Whether you are grieving a loss of relationship, loss of job, loss of your dreams, loss of who you thought you were, loss of a life. Loss. Take time to grieve. Grief has stages just as healing has stages. You move from Loss-hurt > shock > numbness > denial > emotional outbursts > anger > fear > searching > disorganization > panic > loneliness > guilt - Now you may not experience all of this but some of it.
As you begin to adjust to you may feel isolation > depression > trouble reentering > new relationships > new strengths > new patterns > hope > affirmation > helping others > loss adjustment. It is a process, allow Holy Spirit to walk with you. Allow others to walk with you. Take time to give your hurt your pain to God. enough for now.
You must grieve the loss. Any loss deserves a healthy period of grief. No one can tell you what that is. Whether you are grieving a loss of relationship, loss of job, loss of your dreams, loss of who you thought you were, loss of a life. Loss. Take time to grieve. Grief has stages just as healing has stages. You move from Loss-hurt > shock > numbness > denial > emotional outbursts > anger > fear > searching > disorganization > panic > loneliness > guilt - Now you may not experience all of this but some of it.
As you begin to adjust to you may feel isolation > depression > trouble reentering > new relationships > new strengths > new patterns > hope > affirmation > helping others > loss adjustment. It is a process, allow Holy Spirit to walk with you. Allow others to walk with you. Take time to give your hurt your pain to God. enough for now.
Sunday, April 10, 2016
This Day of Peace
Don't you love it when you feel the shalom of God? Don't you love it when you realize that you are not alone? That God's promise never to leave nor forsake you is real? You are not forsaken you have not been forgotten, you are not alone. You are indeed God's Beloved. Yes, you, even in your broken human state. Even with the junk you are in and the junk you have gone through. You. You are special and there is so much more in store for you. Yes, even now.
What can you do now? Listen, do not give place to the lies. Do not fear. Ask Holy Spirit, "Is this true or a lie"? Holy Spirit is here as our guide, please seek guidance. Oh you will be surprised. That is part of your peace that is waiting. You don't have to fret on each problem, but allow yourself to hear the truth and then walk in it. Let this day be that day of peace because you listened. Oh I promise, you will want another and another. Listen- watch what God is doing in your life. enough for now.
What can you do now? Listen, do not give place to the lies. Do not fear. Ask Holy Spirit, "Is this true or a lie"? Holy Spirit is here as our guide, please seek guidance. Oh you will be surprised. That is part of your peace that is waiting. You don't have to fret on each problem, but allow yourself to hear the truth and then walk in it. Let this day be that day of peace because you listened. Oh I promise, you will want another and another. Listen- watch what God is doing in your life. enough for now.
Saturday, April 9, 2016
This is Your Rest
I have been grieving with family as a member moves into hospice. Yesterday, I heard that a former coworker is in hospice with a week to live. This morning I saw something different. The first definition for hospice is a house of shelter or rest for pilgrims, strangers, and comes from the 1818, French hospice "rest house for travelers" and the Latin hospitum "guest house, hospitality." The sense of "home for the aged and terminally ill" is from 1893. And we see where we are today with the medical term.
But let me go back to the place for house of shelter or rest for pilgrim, strangers. I offer that we are all pilgrims journeying through this land. This is not our final place, but a stop on our journey. Celebrate your life and that Holy Spirit guides you though. Celebrate each up and each down. Celebrate that God loves you tremendously and cares for you enormously. Oh celebrate your life. This is your rest on the way to your destination. Love one another. enough for now.
But let me go back to the place for house of shelter or rest for pilgrim, strangers. I offer that we are all pilgrims journeying through this land. This is not our final place, but a stop on our journey. Celebrate your life and that Holy Spirit guides you though. Celebrate each up and each down. Celebrate that God loves you tremendously and cares for you enormously. Oh celebrate your life. This is your rest on the way to your destination. Love one another. enough for now.
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
What a Difference a Day Makes
"What a difference a day makes." Oh how true. This song made popular by Dinah Washington way back rings so true. Now of course I am using the term in a different way. I offer that when let God take the reins. When you give up your issue, whatever the issue is- then you can indeed breathe. There is that peace that comes from release. Oh try it. Release today.
I mean - give it to God this time. You see, last time you gave it but took it back. Last time you thought God couldn't handle it. Last time you thought you knew more than God. Last time you thought you had the answer. How did that work out for you? Yeah, that's what I thought. You see, it comes down to your trust issues. You don't trust God, but you cant trust yourself- you don't know enough about the issue. You don't, but God does. Yeah, God never works it the way we want, but we can't see the big picture. I offer if we could see the big picture we would lose our mind. We can't begin to know what we have been steered around, above, and sometimes through. You call it mess, sh__, whatever.
Go ahead, this time try it. Release. What do you need to release? Ask Holy Spirit to guide. Sure you may have a lot, but let's get started. Oh, what a difference a day makes. Scripture says, "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning" (Ps. 30:5b). Are you ready to rejoice? enough for now.
Saturday, April 2, 2016
Thursday, March 31, 2016
Stop Twirling
Why do we so easily spin out of control? What is it that causes us to get caught up in our own little whirlwind? I offer that first, we spin out of control because we think we are in control. Let's start there. If we would first recognize that our being in control is not control at all, but a lie. Go ahead, think about it. Whether you are going strong and all is good, or you are being whipped; you are not in control. You are juggling to keep all balls in the air, and some are falling anyway. And you spin out of control.
Let's get to that place of the spinning out. Stop, let the balls drop, shift your focus. You can, it's scary but it is real. Shift your focus from you and what you want. Offer what you want to God and what is really is yours. Let me say it another way, "not my will, but your will." You see, there really is a plan for you, a place for for you, a joy for you. Yes- joy because you can indeed rest from your striving and enjoy following Holy Spirit.
I'm telling you something I know, not just something I read. We don't hear enough of God's will for our lives. We don't hear enough that Holy Spirit is indeed our paraclete,and walks alongside. We don't hear enough that Jesus work on the cross was for our dysfunctional behaviors - our sins. That's what dysfunctional behaviors are. But it is all real nonetheless.
Let's get to that single place of you resting in God's will for your life. Let's get to that place of peace in walking in that will. Get the image- in the movie Frozen, when Anna made a little snow cloud for Olaf to rest under although the weather was warm. Do you remember that? Watch the movie. A snowman not melting because of his own private snow cloud. Do you hear me? You not twirling out of control because of your peace afforded you by God, wherever you go. Your will? Let it go! Not my will, but your will Lord. Go ahead try it, it takes practice, look how long you have walked the other way. enough for now.
Let's get to that place of the spinning out. Stop, let the balls drop, shift your focus. You can, it's scary but it is real. Shift your focus from you and what you want. Offer what you want to God and what is really is yours. Let me say it another way, "not my will, but your will." You see, there really is a plan for you, a place for for you, a joy for you. Yes- joy because you can indeed rest from your striving and enjoy following Holy Spirit.
I'm telling you something I know, not just something I read. We don't hear enough of God's will for our lives. We don't hear enough that Holy Spirit is indeed our paraclete,and walks alongside. We don't hear enough that Jesus work on the cross was for our dysfunctional behaviors - our sins. That's what dysfunctional behaviors are. But it is all real nonetheless.
Let's get to that single place of you resting in God's will for your life. Let's get to that place of peace in walking in that will. Get the image- in the movie Frozen, when Anna made a little snow cloud for Olaf to rest under although the weather was warm. Do you remember that? Watch the movie. A snowman not melting because of his own private snow cloud. Do you hear me? You not twirling out of control because of your peace afforded you by God, wherever you go. Your will? Let it go! Not my will, but your will Lord. Go ahead try it, it takes practice, look how long you have walked the other way. enough for now.
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Walk in Your Newness
I paused to allow time for you to rest in your newness. Breathe in and receive the peace and joy afforded you by Jesus' work on the cross. Walk free. Yes, things may not be as you wish, but you are indeed free. enough or now.
Sunday, March 27, 2016
Happy Resurrection Day!
And on the first day of the week. . . They couldn't find Him. . . His body was gone. . . The tomb was empty. . . Jesus rose from the dead as he said He would! As F.G. Sampson used to say, "And a Hallelujah goes right there."
It is time for celebrating! Celebrate that Jesus got up as He said He would. Celebrate your life because of Jesus' love and obedience for you and to God; of God's love for you; of Holy Spirit's guidance for you. Celebrate that your life is spared and you are freed from any lie of the enemy, all doubt, all fear, all worry- celebrate. Celebrate that the sin cost has already been paid by Jesus and you can live! Celebrate that no chains can bind you. Yes, those chains you were bound by were just paper chains. And all the time you thought they carried weight. No tear them off now. Walk in the newness. Walk in the light. Walk humbly in your freedom. Walk listening to the guidance of Holy Spirit. Walk in the promises of life because of our resurrected Savior.
We celebrate this Resurrection Sunday because of Jesus' resurrection. We celebrate God's love for us that He sent His son to die a death that we could not handle.
Please let me be secular for a moment. The accusers get caught up about different groups of people, and of what they are, and how they are murderers and no good. And makes me sick. Today it's Muslims, yesterday it was Blacks, tomorrow- who knows? But the real crazy part is that had Jesus not died for all of our sins, we all would be doomed. We all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. We all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. We all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Ahhh, but Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!
What sin is causing you grief? Oh yeah, you got one. If you say you don't you are not living in reality. But you can br freed from that. God loves the sinner, not the sin. And today is your day to be relieved of it. Walk in it. Celebrate. Ask God what is the one thing that comes between you and Him. Sure you have more, we do, but He knows which one is causing the most harm. And it is usually not what you think. Then give it to Him, tell Him how you feel about it. Give those feelings to Him. Let Him take it- after you have released it. Then celebrate the release.
Happy Resurrection Day! Happy Easter! Jesus is alive! We have life! enough for now.
It is time for celebrating! Celebrate that Jesus got up as He said He would. Celebrate your life because of Jesus' love and obedience for you and to God; of God's love for you; of Holy Spirit's guidance for you. Celebrate that your life is spared and you are freed from any lie of the enemy, all doubt, all fear, all worry- celebrate. Celebrate that the sin cost has already been paid by Jesus and you can live! Celebrate that no chains can bind you. Yes, those chains you were bound by were just paper chains. And all the time you thought they carried weight. No tear them off now. Walk in the newness. Walk in the light. Walk humbly in your freedom. Walk listening to the guidance of Holy Spirit. Walk in the promises of life because of our resurrected Savior.
We celebrate this Resurrection Sunday because of Jesus' resurrection. We celebrate God's love for us that He sent His son to die a death that we could not handle.
Please let me be secular for a moment. The accusers get caught up about different groups of people, and of what they are, and how they are murderers and no good. And makes me sick. Today it's Muslims, yesterday it was Blacks, tomorrow- who knows? But the real crazy part is that had Jesus not died for all of our sins, we all would be doomed. We all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. We all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. We all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Ahhh, but Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!
What sin is causing you grief? Oh yeah, you got one. If you say you don't you are not living in reality. But you can br freed from that. God loves the sinner, not the sin. And today is your day to be relieved of it. Walk in it. Celebrate. Ask God what is the one thing that comes between you and Him. Sure you have more, we do, but He knows which one is causing the most harm. And it is usually not what you think. Then give it to Him, tell Him how you feel about it. Give those feelings to Him. Let Him take it- after you have released it. Then celebrate the release.
Happy Resurrection Day! Happy Easter! Jesus is alive! We have life! enough for now.
Saturday, March 26, 2016
Saturday - Week of Challenge
I would call this day of contemplation; after all that has happened. Can you even imagine how the followers of Jesus felt? How do you feel? No one had a clue of the magnificence of what was happening. I think we miss it also. What a week, what a week!
How do you feel when everything you thought has been turned around? For us on the backside of history, we have hope. Please don't miss that. Spend time today in quiet, with hope, that you are not alone, you will make it. Turn anything that hinders this quiet over to God. Stay there and release, and receive the peace of God. enough for now.
How do you feel when everything you thought has been turned around? For us on the backside of history, we have hope. Please don't miss that. Spend time today in quiet, with hope, that you are not alone, you will make it. Turn anything that hinders this quiet over to God. Stay there and release, and receive the peace of God. enough for now.
Friday, March 25, 2016
Good Friday- Week of Challenge
After the betrayal and arrest, Jesus was held, then brought before Pilate who transferred him back to Herod, who sent him back to Pilate and then Pilate set Jesus before the people who condemned him. He was taken that day to be crucified on the cross.
It was dreadfully painful day for Jesus' followers. While it was indeed an excruciating day for Jesus, he followed his Father's will. Yes, he had prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane that what he was to bear be removed. "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will" (Matt. 26:39 NIV). And here we are, Jesus has died. He followed his Father's will to death. He suffered, bled, and died. That is where we are today. We pause in prayer to contemplate the magnitude of what Jesus did- for us! His death gave us freedom, His resurrection secured it, but that is in a few days. Let stay here.
Do you know how free you are? "Jesus would not come down from the cross just to save himself. He decided to die just save me." That is a song we sing; here it is- it is truth. And even in the seven last words from the cross, Jesus set it up for us to live. Contemplate what his last words from the cross mean to you.
"Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do" (Luke 23:34).
"Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise" (Luke 23:43).
"Woman, this is your son. This is your mother" (John 19:26-27).
"My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?" (Matt. 27:46, Mark 15:34).
"I thirst" (John 19:28).
"It is finished" (John 19:29-30).
"Father, into your hands I commend my spirit" (Luke 23:46).
Because of Jesus, you can live free, free from anything that hinders you. You can watch what God is doing in your life. enough for now.
It was dreadfully painful day for Jesus' followers. While it was indeed an excruciating day for Jesus, he followed his Father's will. Yes, he had prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane that what he was to bear be removed. "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will" (Matt. 26:39 NIV). And here we are, Jesus has died. He followed his Father's will to death. He suffered, bled, and died. That is where we are today. We pause in prayer to contemplate the magnitude of what Jesus did- for us! His death gave us freedom, His resurrection secured it, but that is in a few days. Let stay here.
Do you know how free you are? "Jesus would not come down from the cross just to save himself. He decided to die just save me." That is a song we sing; here it is- it is truth. And even in the seven last words from the cross, Jesus set it up for us to live. Contemplate what his last words from the cross mean to you.
"Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do" (Luke 23:34).
"Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise" (Luke 23:43).
"Woman, this is your son. This is your mother" (John 19:26-27).
"My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?" (Matt. 27:46, Mark 15:34).
"I thirst" (John 19:28).
"It is finished" (John 19:29-30).
"Father, into your hands I commend my spirit" (Luke 23:46).
Because of Jesus, you can live free, free from anything that hinders you. You can watch what God is doing in your life. enough for now.
Thursday, March 24, 2016
Maunday Thursday- Week of Challenge
This meal together that has been an ordinance for the Protestant church - that supper that we still celebrate today. There was so much that went on that day. Just as we have our busy days preparing for whatever we do. We never know if what we are preparing for will be the last, will be the first of something. I just don't think we spend enough time contemplating our actions for the kingdom. Everything we do should be done in honor of God. Yes, you see- when we do that then we do it to our best. Hold that thought.
Even as the disciples had that last supper with Jesus, they had no clue. Jesus told them that someone there would betray Him. Scripture records that Judas asked, "surely not I." And Jesus answered, "Yes, it is you." Come on. My parents used to say, "if you step on a dog's tail he will bark." Go back and read Matthew 26:17-30. Let's come back to us today. Spend time today and look at your actions. Do you betray Jesus with your words, your actions, your thoughts? Are you the one? Hold that thought.
During the meal, Jesus got up, removed his outer garment, wrapped a towel around his waist, and began to wash the disciples' feet (John 13:1-17). He showed them how we are to love another- to serve. How do you serve another? How do you love another? Even if it is a smile, a kind word. Listen, Holy Spirit will guide you.
There was so much more that fateful day on to the garden. Please read it. Please recognize that you are so loved by God. After all, that is why Jesus did what He did. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16 NIV). If you have betrayed, are betraying, you can stop and receive God's loving on you. He already loves you. Receive it. Contemplate the awesomeness of this day. enough for now.
Even as the disciples had that last supper with Jesus, they had no clue. Jesus told them that someone there would betray Him. Scripture records that Judas asked, "surely not I." And Jesus answered, "Yes, it is you." Come on. My parents used to say, "if you step on a dog's tail he will bark." Go back and read Matthew 26:17-30. Let's come back to us today. Spend time today and look at your actions. Do you betray Jesus with your words, your actions, your thoughts? Are you the one? Hold that thought.
During the meal, Jesus got up, removed his outer garment, wrapped a towel around his waist, and began to wash the disciples' feet (John 13:1-17). He showed them how we are to love another- to serve. How do you serve another? How do you love another? Even if it is a smile, a kind word. Listen, Holy Spirit will guide you.
There was so much more that fateful day on to the garden. Please read it. Please recognize that you are so loved by God. After all, that is why Jesus did what He did. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16 NIV). If you have betrayed, are betraying, you can stop and receive God's loving on you. He already loves you. Receive it. Contemplate the awesomeness of this day. enough for now.
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
Wednesday - Week of Challenge
Have you recognized how 'things' come at you when you are trying to walk in a more peaceful, contemplative walk with God? They just seem to bombard you and giving up and giving in appears to be an option. It is not an option.
On this day of that week Judas conspired to hand Jesus over for 30 pieces of silver (Matthew 26:14). This day in Holy week has been called "Spy Wednesday." But there was another happening - one of love and adoration for Jesus at the Bethany home of Simon the Leper. The Mary (John 11:2) with her alabaster jar of perfume poured it on Jesus' head while he was reclining with the disciples. Jesus said wherever the gospel is preached what that Mary did will be told (Matthew 26:6-13).
Ponder the two actions: the betrayal of Judas or the adoration of Mary. Where are you? Are you betraying Jesus by your words? your thoughts? your deeds? Or are your actions of praise, adoration, love of what you have received from Jesus? Just asking. You have received your freedom - freedom from those lies, those dysfunctional behaviours that you thought you could not let go of. Jesus freed you.
Judas? Mary? You? Where are you? Walk it out as Holy Spirit guides you. You can. This is your moment. enough for now.
On this day of that week Judas conspired to hand Jesus over for 30 pieces of silver (Matthew 26:14). This day in Holy week has been called "Spy Wednesday." But there was another happening - one of love and adoration for Jesus at the Bethany home of Simon the Leper. The Mary (John 11:2) with her alabaster jar of perfume poured it on Jesus' head while he was reclining with the disciples. Jesus said wherever the gospel is preached what that Mary did will be told (Matthew 26:6-13).
Ponder the two actions: the betrayal of Judas or the adoration of Mary. Where are you? Are you betraying Jesus by your words? your thoughts? your deeds? Or are your actions of praise, adoration, love of what you have received from Jesus? Just asking. You have received your freedom - freedom from those lies, those dysfunctional behaviours that you thought you could not let go of. Jesus freed you.
Judas? Mary? You? Where are you? Walk it out as Holy Spirit guides you. You can. This is your moment. enough for now.
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Tuesday- Week of Challenge
Tuesday of Holy week. Jesus is confronted by the leadership of the Temple. Jesus continues teaching using the parable of the vineyard (Matthew 21:33-46); the wedding banquet (Matthew 22:) and others. Reread those parables and hear what Holy Spirit is saying to you. Recogize that you are invited, you have a place at the table.
People are waking up to the horror of the bombing at the airport and metro stations in Brussels. Let our prayers collectively surround those hurt, maimed, and in shock.
From your place at the table, pray for God's peace to permeate, to restore, to release those held captive by the lies they have falsly held. Pray for a release of fear in your heart. Watch what odis doing in yourlife this day. enough for now.
People are waking up to the horror of the bombing at the airport and metro stations in Brussels. Let our prayers collectively surround those hurt, maimed, and in shock.
From your place at the table, pray for God's peace to permeate, to restore, to release those held captive by the lies they have falsly held. Pray for a release of fear in your heart. Watch what odis doing in yourlife this day. enough for now.
Monday, March 21, 2016
Monday- Week of Challenge
Our week began with the celebration of Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem. According to Mark 11:11, after Jesus' entry He returned that evening to Bethany. I don't know what He thought, perhaps He considered the difficult days ahead. What are your days like? You do know that your days are so much easier because of the events of this week- no because of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.
Today Jesus returns to Jerusalem and cleanses the Temple. Read Matthrew 21, Mark 11, Luke 19. What do you see? Jesus cleanses what mars our connection. Remember we are contemplating our own walk. Where is your faulty connection? Allow yourself to release it today, and rest. My church in Detroit celebrated this week by naming it "Week of Challenge." What are you challenges? One at at time. Peace this week. enough for now.
Sunday, March 20, 2016
Week of Contemplation
Come into this week contemplating this last walk of Jesus. He was celebrated, yet condemned. Crudcified, yet rose again. But for now walk with him. Walk your life out in a contemplative way. What does Palm Sunday mean to you? Take time to think about the awesome sacrifice -for you, and for me. enough for now.
Thursday, March 17, 2016
No Greater Joy
This is my devotional today from God Calling. Read out loud, let it permeate the space around you. Feel it and then rest in it.
No Greater Joy
"Withdraw into the calm of communion with Me. Rest- rest in that calm and Peace. Life knows no greater joy than you will find in converse and companionship with me.
You are mine. When the soul finds its home of rest in Me, then it is that its real Life begins. Not in years; as man counts it, do we measure in My Kingdom.
We count only from his second birth, that new birth of which I spoke to Nicodemus when I said, "Ye must be born again." We know no life but eternal Life and when a man enters into that, then he lives.
And this is Life Eternal, to know God, My Father and Me, the Son sent by Him. So immature, so childish, so empty is all so-called living before that. I shower Love on you. Pass Love on.
Do not fear. To fear is as foolish as if a small child with a small coin, but a rich father, fretted about how rent and rates should be paid, and what he or she would do about it. Is this work Mine or not? You need to trust me for everything." enough for now.
No Greater Joy
"Withdraw into the calm of communion with Me. Rest- rest in that calm and Peace. Life knows no greater joy than you will find in converse and companionship with me.
You are mine. When the soul finds its home of rest in Me, then it is that its real Life begins. Not in years; as man counts it, do we measure in My Kingdom.
We count only from his second birth, that new birth of which I spoke to Nicodemus when I said, "Ye must be born again." We know no life but eternal Life and when a man enters into that, then he lives.
And this is Life Eternal, to know God, My Father and Me, the Son sent by Him. So immature, so childish, so empty is all so-called living before that. I shower Love on you. Pass Love on.
Do not fear. To fear is as foolish as if a small child with a small coin, but a rich father, fretted about how rent and rates should be paid, and what he or she would do about it. Is this work Mine or not? You need to trust me for everything." enough for now.
How Are You?
How is your breathing? It feels good doesn't it? I mean to begin to feel more alive. To breathe out the craziness and receive the peace of God. As you breathe out and in verbalize the bad you are breathing out. Watch what God does with that and watch what God is doing in your life even now. There is even more for you as you receive what God has. enough for now.
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Your Time
Sit up. Take a good deep breath. Now breathe out fear, breathe in peace. Breathe out worry, breath in quiet. Breathe out doubt, breathe in joy. Now get up. Look around. There is a reason you are where you are. Ask Holy Spirit to guide you in this place, at this time. Don't worry about how you got here, but now hear what you are to do, to learn, to be- in this place, at this time. This is your time! Take it! enough for now.
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
I Need You to Survive
"I need you to survive." Hezekiah Walker's song of a few years ago speaks volumes to me today. "You pray for me. I'll pray for you, I need you to survive." As you read this I am waiting to be clear on what I am hearing from God. Pray for me. I know the power of community in prayer changes things. Esther sent word for the Jewish people in Susa to fast and pray with her. She prepared to go see the king uninvited by the king, which was against the law. And her words, "If I perish, I perish" (Esther 4:15-16).
There are times that we come together to the aid of one another in community, even if it is to just sit in the presence. There is so much power with being on one accord. This week, please call my name as you remember this blog. No, it is nothing dreadful, but I want to be clear. And I am being obedient in asking you to join me in prayer.
There is a cute illustration on facebook of ants moving together in line with their goods. An anteater attempts to suck up one of the ants and he calls for help. One ant hears, and grabs the ant. And after ant connects and one ant begins organizing all the ants quickly to form a large ball. Together they save the ant by stopping up the anteater's snout. Together.
We serve One so loving, so patient with us. We serve a great God! As we pray together let's celebrate life! Celebrate your life! Celebrate that you have been freed from all types issues that held you bound. You have been freed. Walk in that freedom. Oh it is real. You take the step.
Look up the song on YouTube and listen. Walk in those words, recognizing that we are indeed in community with one another. I dedicate the song to you. enough for now.
There are times that we come together to the aid of one another in community, even if it is to just sit in the presence. There is so much power with being on one accord. This week, please call my name as you remember this blog. No, it is nothing dreadful, but I want to be clear. And I am being obedient in asking you to join me in prayer.
There is a cute illustration on facebook of ants moving together in line with their goods. An anteater attempts to suck up one of the ants and he calls for help. One ant hears, and grabs the ant. And after ant connects and one ant begins organizing all the ants quickly to form a large ball. Together they save the ant by stopping up the anteater's snout. Together.
We serve One so loving, so patient with us. We serve a great God! As we pray together let's celebrate life! Celebrate your life! Celebrate that you have been freed from all types issues that held you bound. You have been freed. Walk in that freedom. Oh it is real. You take the step.
Look up the song on YouTube and listen. Walk in those words, recognizing that we are indeed in community with one another. I dedicate the song to you. enough for now.
Monday, March 14, 2016
What are You Doing?
What are you doing? No, really. What are you doing? Are you moving forward on your journey? Are you standing still wondering which way to go? Are you stuck, not sure what is going on? You do not have to stay stuck. That is a lie that you have believed and you no longer need to believe that.
Allow Holy Spirit to guide you. Look at what you do dysfunctionally, and let's get back to why you do what you do. Write it down. Write down how it makes you feel. Stop right there. Does the feeling last? No, the things we do to help us feel better never last. So we must go farther. Let's walk this out. enough for now.
Allow Holy Spirit to guide you. Look at what you do dysfunctionally, and let's get back to why you do what you do. Write it down. Write down how it makes you feel. Stop right there. Does the feeling last? No, the things we do to help us feel better never last. So we must go farther. Let's walk this out. enough for now.
Thursday, March 10, 2016
Lift It Up
Lift it Up. What is one thing that you really need to get rid of in your life? Not sure? Yo may have too many? Lift it up. Now there is something I have not heard in a while. Lift it up. You can always lift it up to God. Allow Holy Spirit to guide you into what should be the first thing yo let go. Ask what causes the most problems in your walk. I used to say, find out what comes between you and God. You see, it is usually not what you think.
You have to start somewhere, start here. Lift it up, and then follow Holy Spirit's guide on how to let go. It is a process. It takes time. After all, how long have you walked wth it? But you can start here. enough for now.
You have to start somewhere, start here. Lift it up, and then follow Holy Spirit's guide on how to let go. It is a process. It takes time. After all, how long have you walked wth it? But you can start here. enough for now.
Monday, March 7, 2016
Clear it Out
I have been getting rid of clothes that I no longer wear. You know, those things that I have not worn in over three years, yet they hang in my closet. . . taking up valuable space. Did you hear it?
Take time to clear out those things that have taken space in your mind, your heart, those things that are of no value to you. Look at what you worry about. I mean day after day, year after year- the same thing. Has it helped that you worried? no. So let it go. There is clarity, freedom, in letting go. After all, your worrying about it did not prevent it, make it happen, fix it . . . you name it. Worry did not help.
Today, let go of that person, place, or thing by offering it to God, and then watch what God does with it. Let go of worry. That really is a commandment from Jesus in Matthew 6:25-34. there is a reason that He does not want you to worry. Worry takes its toll on you, it really is not living. Get started, clear it out. enough for now.
Take time to clear out those things that have taken space in your mind, your heart, those things that are of no value to you. Look at what you worry about. I mean day after day, year after year- the same thing. Has it helped that you worried? no. So let it go. There is clarity, freedom, in letting go. After all, your worrying about it did not prevent it, make it happen, fix it . . . you name it. Worry did not help.
Today, let go of that person, place, or thing by offering it to God, and then watch what God does with it. Let go of worry. That really is a commandment from Jesus in Matthew 6:25-34. there is a reason that He does not want you to worry. Worry takes its toll on you, it really is not living. Get started, clear it out. enough for now.
Friday, March 4, 2016
Enjoy the Beauty
I took this picture a while ago when I was in Hawaii. The tree is a block large and when the limbs are too heavy they drop to the ground and sprout. I marveled not only at the tree, but what the root system must look like. It is a reminder that we are not alone. We are in community with other believers, and when we feel we are failing, it just be that it when we are sowing seed, or we are reconnecting in order to continue our growth. I sat a while under the tree to find out what else it had for me. And I recognized that in similar ways others are drawn to us to see what we have for them. What do we have? The light and we point the way to The Light.
The crazy part is that as we point, we grow. And in our growth we shed - we shed fear, doubt, confusion. We shed those areas that are not in God's image. It's a process. It does not happen overnight, but it does happen.
Enjoy the beauty of your growth. enough for now.
Thursday, March 3, 2016
Be Careful Where You Walk
Be careful where you walk. The news reported how many germs were on the METRO in D.C. The warning was to wash your hands often, and that is a good warning. I found that interesting. Good advice; yet interesting. But what about your life, where you walk, how you walk, and with whom do you walk? I offer that Satan's ploys are so much worse than any germs. We walk in and out of treachery every day- that treachery that aims to take our joy, our peace, our life. There is only one way to walk- watching what God is doing in your life, following what God is doing, and trusting what God is doing. Do you know how much worry you avoid by trusting God? Scripture gives a map to doing so, and it is so real. Be careful where you walk. Take time today to hear what God is saying to you. Allow Holy Spirit to guide you. Walk in the power of the love of Jesus. and watch what happens. enough for now.
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Where Do You Fall?
Where do you fall? There are so many people hurting from one thing to another. How about you? The question is how do you handle your hurt? Too many people are falling never to get up, knocked out by that last one-two punch from life. Others are trying to sit up, then get up, ready for the next round- whatever that round looks like. And others have discovered the way to "take a licking and keep on ticking," by becoming Weeble People. That was toy a while ago, but we are using that analogy here and now. Weeble People fall but they bounce back up. Do you remember the punching bag toy that you hit and it falls over and comes back up? That is like Weeble People.
So how do you get to be a Weeble People? You attach yourself to God and recognize that your story in wrapped up in God's story, and that you and indeed in God's will. That give you ground to stand and when life hits it cannot hit hard. Oh, I promise that to be true. Yeah, you may be knocked back, but not knocked out. So let's start there.
Whatever you have as a major problem now, take real time and give it to God. You need to lament, to cry out, to yell, but not to mankind but to God. Tell God how you feel about the problem. You see, healing starts at the feelings level of communication. Think about it. It how we feel about a person, place, or thing that causes us to react the way we do and may cause someone else to act differently. Go ahead, get started. enough for now.
So how do you get to be a Weeble People? You attach yourself to God and recognize that your story in wrapped up in God's story, and that you and indeed in God's will. That give you ground to stand and when life hits it cannot hit hard. Oh, I promise that to be true. Yeah, you may be knocked back, but not knocked out. So let's start there.
Whatever you have as a major problem now, take real time and give it to God. You need to lament, to cry out, to yell, but not to mankind but to God. Tell God how you feel about the problem. You see, healing starts at the feelings level of communication. Think about it. It how we feel about a person, place, or thing that causes us to react the way we do and may cause someone else to act differently. Go ahead, get started. enough for now.
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Speak Truth
I have found that people tend to joke about things they are uncomfortable with, unsure of, or just don't know. What can you do when that happens? Shhh- be quiet and listen to how Holy Spirit guides. It may be that you are to be quiet. It may be that you are to speak. If you are to speak- speak truth. Do you know the Truth? Then get your guidance and if you are to speak, speak truth. Nothing more is needed. Yes, they may squirm, but it has nothing to do with you, so do not take it personally. Speak truth. Listen for truth. Bask in the presence of Truth. And then rest in Truth. enough for now.
Monday, February 22, 2016
One More Thing
One more thing. There is always one more thing. I think if we would appreciate that we do have one more thing, then we could embrace life a little more positive. I think if we would allow ourselves to let God in on ourselves then we could walk in our peace.
After attending a prayer healing event I as bombarded with outside problems, and then came the barrage of "what to do?" First I had to get direction from Holy Spirit. Then I recognized that 'this was not my fight'. As soon as I moved through that I knew what to do. Just be still, after all, Holy Spirit guides this journey.
Let me give you an interesting example: Field of Dreams- the movie with KevinCostner. Have you seen it? This is not to spiritualize it but when he heard the direction from the voice he acted on it. In spite of seemingly sane people telling him differently. Watch it. Please understand that, as believers, we do not listen the same as everyone. We do not hear the same. And while we may recognize our guidance, many times we do not follow Divine instruction. But following Divine instruction is part of the journey. And even though the one more thing we can move through, work through, grow through and see a new way. Be blessed in your one more thing. Oh, one more thing-watch what God is doing. enough for now.
After attending a prayer healing event I as bombarded with outside problems, and then came the barrage of "what to do?" First I had to get direction from Holy Spirit. Then I recognized that 'this was not my fight'. As soon as I moved through that I knew what to do. Just be still, after all, Holy Spirit guides this journey.
Let me give you an interesting example: Field of Dreams- the movie with KevinCostner. Have you seen it? This is not to spiritualize it but when he heard the direction from the voice he acted on it. In spite of seemingly sane people telling him differently. Watch it. Please understand that, as believers, we do not listen the same as everyone. We do not hear the same. And while we may recognize our guidance, many times we do not follow Divine instruction. But following Divine instruction is part of the journey. And even though the one more thing we can move through, work through, grow through and see a new way. Be blessed in your one more thing. Oh, one more thing-watch what God is doing. enough for now.
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